Phil, First of all I really appreciate the time you are taking to
discuss this issue, to the benefit all SC users.

Philip Meyer;382780 Wrote: 
> >Also semantically makes no sense to me. I am browsing by artist and
> >under an artist it shows that artist's albums plus some other
> artist's
> >albums! Like showing a Frank Sinatra album under Aretha Franklin.
> >
> Makes perfect sense to me.  Browsing an artist shows all music by that
> artist.  Songs happen to be shown grouped by album, and therefore songs
> that don't appear on an album appear on "No Album", and songs that
> appear on compilation albums appear under the name of the compilation
> album, and songs where the artist was a guest performer show under the
> name of the album.  It also lists songs where the artist composed the
> music, conducted the music, or is the band/orchestra.  i.e. you see
> everything.
That's how it is with semantics, it depends on the context :-) 

I work professionally with commercial software development (the kind of
that is sold to millions of users worldwide) and we employe a small army
of user experience specialist to analyze scenarios and personas for our
software. Therefore I tend to take very seriously the feedback I get
from users using my software. If I was responsible for SC development
and most people exposed to the software would come back with comments
like "Why there is only one song in this album?" or "Why is there a
Louis Armstrong album under Ella Fitzgerald" my conclusion would be
that the software is not as intuitive as it should be. People that have
been working or using a software in a long time are not the best to
judge usability of a product as they are acquainted with all the tips
and tricks necessary to make it work. This is at least if Logitech
wants a world-class product anybody can use and drive sales of lots of

Again I am not arguing that one way is better than the other but just
observing that many people (really many if you search in bugzilla and
this forum) prefer to not see those alien albums when browsing one
specific artist's albums. I agree to you that would rather avoid too
many option and having those other albums grouped under something like
"also appears on..." or "singles..." would at least makes it clear for
a browsing perspective what I am looking at.

Philip Meyer;382780 Wrote: 
> >Also on the artist's page is an "All Songs" command, to play all songs
> by that artist.  If I press All Songs, I expect all songs from that
> artist to be played, not just songs on that artists regular albums -
> the path to get there is "Browse Artists > [artist name] > All Songs. 
> There is nothing to do with albums in that browse chain.
Glad that you have brought this up yourself. As it is now by hitting
the play "all songs" for an artist will in many cases create a playlist
full of duplicates as many of the songs that I have on a given artist
album also appear on other compilations. On the other hand with the old
behaviour if you had lots of singles you will not be able to browse or
play those by artist. So again it's a matter of preferences whether you
would rather play the same songs over and over again or rather miss some
of an artist singles.

Furthermore, if I go along with the current implementation and your
line of thinking (want to be able see artists songs taht appears on
other artists albums) and accept to leave with all those duplicates,
still I would not be able to see those artists that do not have at
least one full album. Ins't it right (unless there is some magic
combination of tags and settings that allows this)? Seems to me an
half-solution that really do not satisfy completely anybody.

After more thinking, actually this is back to something that has been
discussed millions of times on these forums: why the "group
compilations album together" does not do what it says? The help says:
"You can choose to have compilation albums appear together under
"Various Artists" or have them appear under each artist in the
compilation. It doesn't say "... but only if they happen to have a full
album too. If this function was implemented to do exactly what it says
it would probably remove all the guesswork and make everybody happy. 

Philip Meyer;382780 Wrote: 
> >I have used ALBUMARTIST tags for many years to group songs on an album
> when there are guest performers on the album.  As far as I can recall,
> the behaviour I like (displaying albums where the artist was a guest on
> someone else's album, or a performer on a compilation album) has always
> worked.
> Phil
Yes, I agree, and it should still work this way even if the option I
mentioned above would be fixed to work properly. If you have an
"albumartist" tag the album in its entirety should appear under that a

artist. Depending on the "group compilation" setting the single tracks
would also appear under each of the contributing artists.

Philip Meyer;382780 Wrote: 
> >You want an additional options so that you only see regular albums, but
> I think it would be fair to avoid many options.  If there was this
> grouping capability, would that meet your needs (you would only look
> for albums under regular albums, and simply ignore the other "Also
> appears on" group of albums)?
> Phil

Also agree. As few options as possible. The grouping would definetely
help but I would prefer that the "group compilation albums together"
setting was fixed to work properly.

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