Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> >i named two i think are fairly serious, so you have your "such as." 
> >but there are others, bugzilla has them as you know, you can find
> them
> >yourself.
> >
> Yeah, but your examples and many things about scanning, are not
> actually bugs but enhancement requests.  The app works largely as
> designed (although I do agree that there could be more done to document
> how it works/should be used).

BS.  the two i named were that the scanner doesn't pick up changes,
(without a full clear and rescan) thats a BUG, and i don't care if you
don't agree with such an obvious thing.

the other was that if you have "Various Artists" as a string your music

you want to say they aren't?  RIDICULOUS.  you want to say they work
that way INTENTIONALLY?  even if so, and i doubt it, that would be
STUPID in the extreme.  why would anyone intend that behavior?

Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> >> >SC imo needs to rethink from scratch how it is going to catalogue
> and
> >> >store ones collection in a DB.  the logics are faulty,
> presumptuous,
> >> >non-intuitive and cause problems, and don't respect the de facto
> >> >marketplace standards that are in place and bigger than SC, right
> or
> >> >wrong.
> >> >
> >> Rubbish.
> >
> >fantastic argument.
> >
> rethink from scratch how to store info in a DB - What exactly do you
> think is wrong with the schema?

i should have been more clear...  what i am complaining about is the
end user EXPERIENCE you get from using SC.  that experience is made up
of many different related parts: scanner, schema, webui, etc...

what i am saying is that the way SC is designed to handle a library
needs a total rethink.  the problem isn't JUST the schema, but the way
the logics / scanner handle what goes into it, and then how the webui
handles what results.

for instance, i should be able to sort via any tag i want.  i should be
able to turn artwork on or off from anywhere.  i should have more
options to define what is and isn't a comp then just the VA logic or
explicit comp tags.  i should NOT need different "start points" to get
the look i want, (ie. home > artists, home > albums, etc...)

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, SC needs to respect de facto standards, such as
the INDISPUTABLE FACT that many tagging sources ALWAYS fill in "album
artist" comp or not.  or that users have their own ways of handling
tags, that aren't "SC compliant" but nevertheless make sense on their
own merits.

what bothers me about your opposition is that i don't think doing all
this would impact you in the slightest!  i think more flexability for
others would not mean a break with how it works now.  its just a matter
of options.

and frankly, b/c you and others opposed simple yet SENSICAL changes,
like bug 8001, (TPE2 = Album Artist as an OPTION), you don't have much
credibility with me.

it should be obvious to you now, that MOST mp3 users use TPE2 as album
artist in other apps, either knowingly or unknowingly, ...well this
isn't any different.

Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> logics are faulty - WRONG
> presumptuous - WRONG
> non-intuitive - FAR FROM IT
> cause problems - SUCH AS?
> de facto standards - BOWL OF PETUNIAS

gee, more great insights!  wow, you've changed my mind!  (whats the
smiley for eyes roll?)

just look at this thread, or the NUMEROUS others, take your head out of
the sand.

Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> >i stand by what i said.  there are BETTER ways for SC to do what it
> >does, and there's no excuse for what it currently does to not at
> least
> >be optional.
> WRONG.  A lot of things are optional; much more so than other
> applications.
> More options make it harder to support and maintain and that means more
> chance of bugs.

so why have any options?  that excuse is such a cannard.  the idea that
something as abstract as a music library DB product that sold to the
masses should be LIMITED on options is laughable.

winamp DWARFS SC in options.  so do lots of other apps, come on, be

Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> >how many times phil, do you need to see examples like this
> >thread in the forums to sow you that people do NOT intuitively
> >understand what SC is doing?
> >
> How many of those people don't understand tagging in general; don't
> understand how other applications treat their tags.  How many other
> applictions have good forums like this one?
> What is the percentage - how many people do understand tagging and
> think what we have is great?

so only those that think SC is great understand tagging?  seems kind of
chicken/eggish don't you think?  not to mention elitist.

SC should be trying to get customers, not proselytize the word of

yes, users should understand tagging better in general.  but i believe,
contrary to you, SC should respond MORE FLEXIBLY to what users do or
auto taggers do, especially if its widespread.  i don't think its a
stretch to have such a position.

winamp has a great forum btw.

Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> How many actually see serious problems that they find unacceptable, and
> how many are not too bothered (minor issues).
> In many cases, a few minor explanations, and people catch on and do
> then see the intuitive nature of the tagging/scanning/browsing.

how many people try it, think its 'naff,' and never bother to post?

how many people, like me, were put off by the lack of TPE2 as AA
support until 8001?

what i think makes no sense at all is this attitude that 'IF you want
to use SC/slim stuff, then frankly, do it our way or its the highway.'

thats just a BAD presentation for an audio consumer goods company to
make to prospective buyers imo.

far better would be, 'we're flexible and in most cases can be made to
work EASILY with your existing data.'

SC thinks far too highly of itself, IF it thinks its so great that
others should conform to it come hell or high water.  i'm not saying it
should do stupid things, i'm just saying it should be more flexible and
more AWARE of the environment out there then it is now.

Philip Meyer;423602 Wrote: 
> >why not make VA detection optional
> Because there's absolutely no need.
> If there are album artist tags for every album, then there will be no
> compilation albums.
> If all songs are by the same artists, then the album is not a
> compilation.
> If songs are by different artists, and there's not album artist tag,
> then the album is a compilation.  If it wasn't automatically marked as a
> compilation, it would think that each song with a different artist is a
> different album, unless you want it to belong to one of the artists
> picked arbitrarily.  i.e. turning off this auto compilation detection
> would likely cause other problems.

how SC would handle things IF va detection was turned off IS one of the
things i am complaining about.

first of all, lets look at how it works now:

i do NOT want every artist mismatch WITHOUT an album artist tag to end
up as a comp, b/c in many cases it isn't a comp, (like the duets

further, i don't want SC to blindly call all comps AA = "Various
Artists" and stick them all in a category of the same name.

i don't know if comp tags over-ride having an AA tag, as to where it
sorts or what SC populates the AA field with.  but i don't want to use
comp tags anyway, if i can avoid it.  why can't i specify directorys and
say to SC "consider all these comps, but don't let it affect the sort"

a lot of apps NEED an album artist tag FOR COMPS, (like winamp & WMP
among others), so right there, right off the bat, SC is in conflict with
apps MUCH BIGGER than it.  (not to mention the gracenotes and other auto
taggers of the world)

i also don't want strings in tags to result in music disappearing from
SC b/c SC isn't smart enough to get it right.

i also want different ways to sort, not just by tags but by directory
location, and i should be able to switch all these views on the fly from
ANYWHERE in the library, not having to go back to "home" to pick a new

look phil, i respect that you like the way it is, i really do and i
wouldn't advocate any changes NOT being "backwards compatible."

but i'm telling you, SC is, from the normal, average, end user
experience, esp noobs, TOO COMPLEX, and not
intuitive/flexible/compatible enough.  and you don't have to take my
word for it...  i have seen comments in the bug threads FROM SLIM
EMPLOYEES who share my opinion about the "logics" that they shouldn't be
necessary, and these were freely given, not provoked by me.  (steven
spies and brandon black i think?)

sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbr (parent's home) - w/sc 7.3.3b - win xp pro
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