
Don't want to get into the nasty argument and details here, but...

I'm in camp 2: I have a certain way I want my catalog presented, I'm
not really interested in what certain corporations or other users think.
I want what what works for me.

I like my Duet overall, but when I switched over to it I had to retag
my entire collection and subsequently retag specific albums to get SC to
present it (more or less) in the way I wanted.

I find this strange, as the tagging I started with worked fine in
several other programs and devices. My conclusion from this is that SC
isn't working according to "market" standards, or that the cataloging
has some bugs.

The present method in SC, which asks a only a few predetermined
questions with a few explanations isn't clear, and it isn't clear when
you pick one of the options how the program is actually going to behave

I can't think of any reason not to let individual users who are
interested determine how their music collection is displayed to them.

The whole "problem" seems to me fairly simple. Give users an option
where they can set up their own cataloging hierarchy (tree) if they want
to, instead of the default setup. The user should also be able to tell
the program to ignore certain tags. 

This solution should be an elementary programming problem in software
like SC. It also shouldn't be hard in such a setup for SC to display a
preview/or example of the results of the user choices, so the user sees
what the result of his choices will be.

The present tagging and cataloging - not the way "user friendly"
software should work in 2009, IMHO.

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