MrSinatra;428536 Wrote: 
> a trip down memory lane it is then...
> did i spell it wrong or something?  yeah, obscenity laced.  you do know
> what an obscenity is, don't you?

Ad Hominem

> i see you don't know what an obscenity is.

Ad Hominem

> no, i mean the one that went on for a page calling me dozens of names
> like "assholish" and "pain in the ass" and so on...  you see, THOSE are
> obscenities.  and while not obscene, saying "Personally, I don't care if
> you live or die" and "I still won't give a rat's fuzzy behind if you
> live or die," -in the same PM mind you,- is the kind of thing that when
> i read it, brings this to mind:


Here is my PM then.

me Wrote: 
> and where precisely did I tell you to 'go get laid'?
> Or anything even close to that?
> I still believe that you deliberately twist words around to your own
> meaning ("intend," for example) and you deliberately mix and match terms
> (TPE2, ALBUMARTIST) to be a pain in the ass.
> Calling my posts "pure lunacy!" and "this is insanity!" and being
> downright rude with crap like:
> | so in post 41 you are saying "it doesn't say it will treat TPE2
> | tags as ALBUMARTIST" and yes, obviously the internal tag of
> | ALBUMARTIST is NOT mentioned.
> |
> | BUT IT DOES FORCEFULLY IMPLY that TPE2 tags WILL make the option
> | work! how can you disagree with that?
> |
> | seriously, do you disagree with that?
> How can you think that is not rude? How can you? I mean that is pure
> lunacy! Seriously, do you disagree with that?
> (Would you not think the prior paragraph is obnoxious and downright
> assholish? I sure would. That is the attitude you portray.)
> No, it is not just me who has a problem with it: several people told
> you to calm down long before I posted in that thread. You went off on
> them, too.
> When JJzolx said you were getting worked up, you responded with "as
> someone who i have witnessed needlessly attacked for just expressing
> their POV, it irks me you would do it to me."
> Where the heck was the personal attack? "Help me, I'm being oppressed"
> as the Python line goes...
> SC is just a music server. It is just software. Going on with personal
> attacks (and, excuse me, "you need to get laid" -is- a personal attack,
> I again challenge you to show me where I attacked you... oh, wait, if
> "Jeezus, you're tearing yourself up over this..." is a personal attack,
> you really do need to chill out: you will see a personal attack in
> everything) and raising your blood pressure 20 points is pointless
> unless you like dying.
> The world is not out to get you. Personally, I don't care if you live
> or die, but that is hardly out to get you. You are just pixels on the
> screen. If you want to be rude and antagonizing, go for it: i have heard
> far worse than "go get laid": I still won't give a rat's fuzzy behind if
> you live or die.
> But don't expect me to be nice and kiss your ass because you scream and
> yell. The advantage of seeing you as just pixels is that I don't have to
> fear your blustering, but can instead laugh at how riled up you are
> about pixels.
> Are you this obnoxious to people in the real world? 

Dozens of obscenities?  Where?

I called a paragraph I wrote "assholish".... which is not obscene. 
"pain in the ass" is not obscene.  Saying I don't care whether you live
or die is not obscene, and a simple statement of fact.   And "kiss your
ass" is not obscene, either.

So, um, well, you do know what obscene means, right?

> For something to be "obscene" it must be shown that the average person,
> applying contemporary community standards and viewing the material as a
> whole, would find (1) that the work appeals predominantly to "prurient"
> interest; (2) that it depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently
> offensive way; and (3) that it lacks serious literary, artistic,
> political or scientific value.

> don't forget, i won this argument, 8001 resulted from arguments like
> the one i made in that thread, your POV lost.  and i would never say
> that that way, except you seem to not know it, and don't acknowledge ANY
> point i made in it.

I didn't know it was a win or lose fight.

> i let your goofy tirade roll right off my back, i have a capacity for
> that which you lack utterly.

And I never called you on your "go get laid" comment or the rest of
that paragraph until you decided that it was me posting "obscene"

> its certainly worse, and more obscene, than anything i ever said.

It is?  Where?  The full post is above.  Please show me what is
obscene: considering, again, it is a response to your "go get laid"
comment, I think it is very polite.

> to the best of my recollection, the censored part was ~ "IF you want to
> know what a personal attack is, 'Go get laid' now THATS a personal
> attack" which i said b/c you did not seem capable of comprending the
> difference 
> between a personal attack, and me challenging your assertions about SC

No, you said:

> let me close by saying you are a freaky overly sensitive defensive
> person who see's personal attacks where there are none.  get laid or
> something.  (and yeah that was a personal attack b/c i am sick of
> yours, which are unprovoked and totally misguided)

I don't see any "if"

> sure, it was meant to LIGHTLY bother you, but it was ALSO meant to be
> so juvenile and frankly humorous and also put into educative context so
> no one would take it SERIOUSLY, including you! ...which again, you
> laughably did!  i still can't believe that offended you, and it says a
> lot about you.

Oh, my, how funny it is to say such things!  You must be a hoot and a
half at parties.

Do you really think I would laugh at that?

Again: chill out.  Your method of posting is going to annoy people to
know and your blood pressure is going to kill you if you live your life
like that.

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