dsdreamer;494962 Wrote: 
>  but have you ever turned around a team that is currently not doing
> that?
> You need to be able to change the culture and move up the CMM levels
> without losing the services of key individuals who know the existing
> code very well. It's like the man who, when asked for directions to get
> to the local pub, replied, "If I were you, I wouldn't start from here!"
I originally answered a bit more verbose to your original question but
decided to edit back.
Just one thing: There are simple things you could start with (like
writing documentation on the status quo and implementing a change
scheme) but from what I read here I believe the team is frustrated,
The problem is not the team, there are exceptionally good developers
there, but the way priorities have been set.
> I know. But to get a grip on this may take some brave moves in terms of
> hiring, and changing the way people do their jobs, that probably seem
> too costly or risky right now.  In the meantime, management will only be
> screaming for a sufficiently stable release to allow the Touch to ship.
> Who under these conditions will be brave enough to try to "fix software
> development processes?"

Doesn't make sense to do it before the touch release. But you have to
do it after that or this is in danger of falling apart, IMHO.
At least until now, 7.5 looks better than 7.4 but they have to take
care not to get into a mess again.

Jive and all the logic around it (protocols et al) was pretty much
screwed up on the first implementation. This whole stack of protocols
is, what, 1 2 years old? In summer it looked like it carries along 30
years of legacy. 7.4 was a first step to clean it up but if this isn't
done in a more ordered fashin, it's quickly going to fall apart again.

And no, this is not going to take more resources. That's what everybody
tends to under-estimate (sounds like you don't, but want to mention it
anyway): SW development is 30% development and 70% testing, bug fixing
and maintenance. You always tend to try to speed up the development but
in the end this comes back on the other 70%. Better spend some time
upfront to cut back that big bag.
"Develop a little, release a little" works fine when you want to get
new stuff out and you need to experiment with featurs and functions.
If you have a product range with 6 devices, three servers, two
platforms, 3rd party development and an ever changing range of services
to support it's just not going to work, there is a point of complexity
where maintenance alone eats all resources you can ever get onto
something and if you want to live on through this there is no way but to
get it (complexity) down.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
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