When working on my "BookmarkHistory" plugin i noticed a possible issue
with the "playlists" CLI command when the full-text search feature is
To make sure that it's not my code that causes the problem i used the
init routine of the HelloWorld plugin. When issuing a search for a
playlist by name:

    sub initPlugin {
        my $class = shift;
        myDebug("Initializing the plugin");
        my ($testrequest);
        $testrequest = Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest('', ['playlists', 
0, 1, 'search:testlist']);

i see the following error in the log:

    [16-11-09 19:45:24.8053] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1888) Error: 
  While trying to run function coderef 
[Slim::Control::Queries::playlistsQuery]: [Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI 
Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: no such function: FULLTEXTWEIGHT 
  [for Statement "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE playlistSearch AS SELECT id, 
FULLTEXTWEIGHT(matchinfo(fulltext)) AS fulltextweight FROM fulltext WHERE 
fulltext MATCH 'type:playlist testlist*' "]
  at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema/Storage.pm line 126

which prevents the command from getting a result.

This only happens when the full-text search plugin is enabled. When
issuing the same command via telnet or JSON ("playlists 0 1
search:testlist") it returns the expected result and i don't see the
exception in the log:

        "result": {
  "playlists_loop": [
  "id": 804045,
  "playlist": "testlist"
  "count": 1

I think i can work my way around that (by requesting "playlist new
name:testlist". If i then get a value in "overwritten_playlist_id", i
know that the playlist already exists, otherwise i delete it), just
wanted to let you know.

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