slartibartfast wrote: 
> I have my DSTM set to "MusicIP mix". If I have one song in the playlist
> then DSTM does not generate a "MusicIP mix" it  only generates a "Song
> mix" and the server log shows
> > 
  >   > [18-03-15 19:39:15.5560] 
Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin::onPlaylistChange (188) Received command 
playlist newsong
  > [18-03-15 19:40:22.1605] 
Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin::dontStopTheMusic (227) 0 songs 
remaining, songIndex = 0
  > [18-03-15 19:40:22.1747] 
Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin::getMixableProperties (353) Auto-mixing 
from random tracks in current playlist
  > [18-03-15 19:40:32.2631] Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin::__ANON__ 
(279) I'm sorry, we couldn't create any reasonable result with your current 
playlist. We'll just play something instead.
> > 
> I can generate a MusicIP mix manually from the same track so why can't
> DSTM do the same?

If I have a longer playlist the server log shows this.

    [18-03-15 19:55:00.2597] 
Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin::getMixableProperties (353) Auto-mixing 
from random tracks in current playlist
  [18-03-15 19:55:15.4818] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Common::__ANON__ (85) 
Failed fetching filters from MusicIP
  [18-03-15 19:55:25.7333] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Common::__ANON__ (85) 
Failed fetching filters from MusicIP
  [18-03-15 19:55:35.8664] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Common::__ANON__ (85) 
Failed fetching filters from MusicIP
  [18-03-15 19:55:45.9299] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Common::__ANON__ (85) 
Failed fetching filters from MusicIP
  [18-03-15 19:55:50.9840] Slim::Plugin::DontStopTheMusic::Plugin::__ANON__ 
(279) I'm sorry, we couldn't create any reasonable result with your current 
playlist. We'll just play something instead.

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