Hi Dan,

it will take some time ( so it will happen  after submission deadline ).

But I will rebuild last year quad based automatic remeshing code by
Rohith with most fresh Blender code ( or even with Bmesh ) - so it
will be seen if that code could be used as aid  tool for you.

Possibly will build with optimized libraries ( to reduce lags ) -
there are some libs
with stated speed up 10-100 times than that which is used in Rohith
submission   - the problem is - there are quite a lot of libraries (
including blas, lapack etc which are normally fortran code so have to
manage fortran compilers, though there are C implementations of the
same libs) and current Blender differs quite a bit from a time Ronith
submitted code
so the build  cannot be done quickly and requires some free time which
I currently lack, but will have some day.

The nice feature of that code - that
after you have feature lines ( with your proposed tools ) are rendered
- then automatically generated mesh will keep those
feature lines intact ( and also will preserve borders ) - so new
retopo mesh will easily fit into bigger mesh and retopo of large
pieces of mesh ( not only retopo with 4 or so quads per selected
'section') will be also easy and intuitive with your tool.

Bmesh, of cause ( with more flexible structures ) , will be of help here too.

So if your proposal is accepted, I will make you aware of new builds
and you would be able to  access if that code could fit into your
proposal as underlying 'quad-generation'  code over selected feature
lines ( taking into account the mesh, of cause ).

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