Hi Sergey,

Thank you for the information.

> But I will rebuild last year quad based automatic remeshing code by
> Rohith with most fresh Blender code ( or even with Bmesh ) - so it
> will be seen if that code could be used as aid  tool for you.

This could be a huge help, thank you very much. As I understand there
was a lack of availability of suitable libraries that stopped the GSoC
project from going further?

> The nice feature of that code - that
> after you have feature lines ( with your proposed tools ) are rendered
> - then automatically generated mesh will keep those
> feature lines intact ( and also will preserve borders ) - so new
> retopo mesh will easily fit into bigger mesh and retopo of large
> pieces of mesh ( not only retopo with 4 or so quads per selected
> 'section') will be also easy and intuitive with your tool.

yes, i can see how this could be useful if moving back and forth
between z-brush etc.

> Bmesh, of cause ( with more flexible structures ) , will be of help here too.

I am anticipating this! As I understand, it is an easier library to
work with and provides more utility functions than the existing mesh

> So if your proposal is accepted, I will make you aware of new builds
> and you would be able to  access if that code could fit into your
> proposal as underlying 'quad-generation'  code over selected feature
> lines ( taking into account the mesh, of cause ).

That would be very useful, I'd be really interested to see how well
the last years GSoC project on auto-retopo worked, if it could be
adapted for use in any way that would be awesome.

Thank you for the feedback,

Best regards,

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