Just committed the first version of the new keymap.  Or perhaps I
should say pre-version.  It's not much yet.

The main change of interest that I've made is how mode-switching
works.  A toggle mentality really doesn't work anymore, since e.g.
mesh objects have numerous modes.  I'm experimenting with alternative
ways to do mode switching.  Right now it works by pressing the
space-bar, and a menu of available modes pops up.  You can use the
number keys to select.  So spacebar->1 is object mode, spacebar->2 is
edit mode, etc.  It takes a little getting used to, but is quite fast.

I'm thinking that the spacebar, being the largest key on the keyboard,
can be a sort of "hub" for managing context, such as mode switching.
It remains to be seen how effective that will be in parts of Blender
other than the 3d view.

Incidentally, since the spacebar is now the mode-switching key, I've
moved the operator search menu to the tab key.


On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Campbell Barton <ideasma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012/4/6 Przemyslaw Golab <gbird...@gmail.com>:
>> Yes but the problem is the creations of keyslot, creating new keyslot for
>> operator that doesn't have one is not easy and fast.
>> You have to > find it (learn that it doesn't exists) > create one (learn
>> how) > and edit it. Not just, find it > edit it how you like.
> Then it should be made east & fast.
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