> I missed it because now you select socket by left clicking. I was
> trying to select them by right clicking (as it was in 2.49) and when
> it failed I was sure we still don't have this option available.
> This feature is a real time saver.

The primary way of selecting sockets is with SHIFT + RMB. First this
was implemented as simple RMB select, but this turned out to be quite
chaotic since it effectively allows multiple nodes selected (see [1]).
Selecting sockets with LMB is a side effect of the select-on-link
"feature" (which i'd like to remove again). You see this area is
pretty complicated, lots of different little features interfering with
each other :S

> Auto hide sockets:
> As I can see from your post you are all the time thinking about
> automatic behavior.
> If I may suggest something - I'd rather leave more options to the user.

Yeah, i implemented this on explicit request (i think Sebastian asked
for it, don't remember), i suggest you talk to him. The CTRL+H idea
seems good, i didn't realize this doesn't work on the auto-hidden
sockets now. Feedback is important for us coders :) Will have to check
with core devs if i can add this right away of have to wait for next

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