El 05/06/12 02:46, Troy Sobotka escribió:
> It would seem like a wonderful juncture to perhaps analyze our design 
> choices and consider future limitations at this juncture...

This implementation is somewhat disconnected from the compositor. 
Masking and tracking is usually more necessary in the composite context 
than in a single clip context.
My gut says that the right place for tracking and masking would be on 
top of the viewer, and probably extending the image/UV editor adding 
these functionalities as "modes" would be more flexible than having a 
separate window.
If tracking and masking would be nodes, double clicking on them could 
connect the output to the viewer window (UV/Image Editor) and display 
the proper widgets and options instead of having to change manually 
windows and modes.
That could also work for widgets for transform nodes, for instance.


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