On Friday, August 10, 2007, at 09:48AM, "jiho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello again,
>On 2007-August-10  , at 16:45 , Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2007, at 06:45, jiho wrote:
>>> I was thrilled by the announcement for search facilities on ISI Web
>>> Of Science in the release notes of 1.3.7. However, my access to the
>>> WOS is through a gateway. I.e., I do not access:
>>>     http://isiknowledge.com/
>>> or whatever the real address is, but I access:
>>>     http://portal.isiknowledge.com.gate1.inist.fr/
>>> Then I enter a login+password and proceed with my search. This is how
>>> all French researchers from the CNRS (french national research
>>> agency) access to the WOS so it would be great for us if there was
>>> some possibility to work with this in BIbDesk. So I was wondering:
>>> - is the search performed from a regular web address or does this use
>>> another protocol?
>> We use SOAP web services for the searching.  Access is based on IP
>> address, I believe.  Quoting James Howison on this list, 10 July 2007:
>>>> Anyway here's the web services interface:
>>>> http://scientific.thomson.com/support/faq/webservices/
>>>> In particular:
>>>> http://scientific.thomson.com/ts/media/faq/webservices.zip
>>>> As I saw it the difficulty in using their webservices is that they
>>>> expect queries to come from an authorized IP address.
>quoting this FAQ:
>"Make sure that the server that you will be using is authorized to  
>access Web of Knowledge. The general standard is IP authentication.  
>Another option available is Username/Password if you are planning to  
>broker web service access for sites or locations that require  
>different entitlements."
>So Username/Password is apparently possible but I guess this is when  
>you connect directly to ISI web with a username and password.
>After a little more research think that what happens in my case (and  
>in all French researchers case in fact) is that we connect to the  
>server gate1.inist.fr (with authentication by login+password) which  
>then redirects us to ISI (or many other literature sources actually).  
>And my best guess is that this server is authenticated at ISI (its IP  
>is authorized) and what ISI sees is the servers IP, not mine.
>If I knew where to look I would gladly try to confirm this gut  
>feeling. Is there anyway to check which IP connects to ISI?
>If this is indeed what happens, what would be needed on BibDesk's  
>side would be to recreate this "pipe" through gate1.inist.fr and hope  
>SOAP requests pass through. I just checked out BibDesk source and  
>looked a bit around. The address of the requests seems to be in  
>                /*endpoint*/: @"http://wok-ws.isiknowledge.com/esti/ 

Yes, that's correct.  You can use http://www.ditchnet.org/soapclient/ to play 
with the web service and make sure you have access.

>Typing this address:
>       http://wok-ws.isiknowledge.com/esti/soap
>in my web browser ask me for login+pass that I don't have. However if  
>I change this to:
>       http://wok-ws.isiknowledge.com.gate1.inist.fr/esti/soap
>and that I log in gate1.inist.fr before, I can access the page. The  
>content of which is:


>If I did not log in gate1.inist.fr before, I am nicely redirected to  
>the login page of gate1.inist, I log there and then I am redirected  
>back to the http://wok-ws.blabla.../soap page and get the usual content.
>So it looks promising.

Yeah, that looks good.  There may even be a way to set username and password 
handle the redirect automatically, but I'm really unfamiliar with this stuff.  
We'll have to dig into the documentation for that one.

>I did a brutal search and replace for http://wok-ws.isiknowledge.com/ 
>esti/soap and now I am trying to compile BibDesk but I get and error  
>because I do not have the Developer/Examples software installed and  
>there is a shell script action requiring it (those examples are big,  
>are they really required?)

There shouldn't be any dependency on the examples.  Please copy and paste the 
exact error message from Xcode.  Also, be sure that you've set your Xcode 
preferences to put Build Products in a customized location (Building pref 
pane), or things will break horribly.

>The other trouble could come from the fact that there is another  
>address in BDSKISIWebServices.m:
>             methodNamespace: @"http://esti.isinet.com/soap/search";
>which I cannot connect to with a browser. What is this address used  
>for? (Sorry I am a complete newbie in Obj-C)

That shouldn't matter.  I can't connect to it either.

>>> - if there is a web address, could there be a pref (hidden possibly)
>>> to change it?
>> There is a web address, and there could certainly be a pref to change
>> it, but I'm skeptical that it would be compatible with your portal.  I
>> think you'll have to do some checking on your end to see if that
>> service is available.  The link here should give you enough info to
>> find out via your system administrators.

If you figure out a way to make this work, I'm happy to check in the changes or 
add a hook for it.  I just have no way of knowing what to do, since Apple's web 
services documentation sucks, and I'm authenticated via IP (so can't test any 
of this).


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