Hello everyone,

I was thrilled by the announcement for search facilities on ISI Web  
Of Science in the release notes of 1.3.7. However, my access to the  
WOS is through a gateway. I.e., I do not access:
or whatever the real address is, but I access:
Then I enter a login+password and proceed with my search. This is how  
all French researchers from the CNRS (french national research  
agency) access to the WOS so it would be great for us if there was  
some possibility to work with this in BIbDesk. So I was wondering:
- is the search performed from a regular web address or does this use  
another protocol?
- if there is a web address, could there be a pref (hidden possibly)  
to change it?
- if it is not, what is it exactly (z39.50 protocol?)? maybe we can  
try to have a gateway for this protocol also (there's no reason the  
CNRS should limit us to web search).

Thanks in advance, for all the improvements in Bibdesk and for your  

NB: sorry if the question already came out on the list but I am  
unable to search it on sourceforge. I get a time out eveytime I try.


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