On Sep 12, 2007, at 10:02 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 12, 2007, at 09:48AM, "Rainer Sigwald"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 9/12/07, Adam R. Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Okay, using a document-relative path certainly makes sense in  
>>> that situation.  The question then becomes: should we keep this  
>>> behavior, or break it now?  (By break, I mean use home-relative  
>>> instead of document-relative paths).  Opinions from the users?   
>>> What's easier for people to deal with?  I think Mike may be  
>>> responsible for the original implementation, so maybe he has  
>>> comments.
>> I strongly prefer the relative-to-bibfile implementation.  I keep  
>> both
>> my .bib file and my papers folder in a Subversion repository, which I
>> may check out to a different location periodically.
>> I also have concerns about the new system with regard to
>> cross-platform compatibility and human readability.  The current
>> system makes it quite easy to open the .bib file in (for example)
>> vim/emacs/Notepad and extrapolate from "local-url = {}" to find the
>> referenced file by hand.  That doesn't seem possible with the  
>> proposed
>> ASCII-armored Mac OS X alias.  Is that correct, or am I
>> misunderstanding?
> This is correct.  It should also be possible to keep the old system  
> around, although I'm not sure how we'll manage autofile in that  
> case.  The only reason I can see for doing this is cross-platform  
> compatibility; if you find using vi or (shudder) emacs easier than  
> BibDesk on Mac OS, we're doing something wrong :).
> Incidentally, scripting would give you access to paths in the new  
> system, so conceivably you could use a script hook to copy them to  
> Local-Url when saving.  No idea how practical that is.

FWIW, I favor keeping the document-relative paths as a backup for a  
couple of reasons:
1)You can send an archive of a .bib file and the PDFs to someone  
else; all of the local-url links still work if stored relatively.
2)Cross-platform compatibility: JabRef stores a "pdf" or "ps" field  
that is relative to a "main PDF directory," so that if local-url is  
copied to a "pdf" field (and the directory is correctly specified),  
the links still work.
3)While you can't sling around your .bib file and have the links  
still work (the advantage of home-directory-relative paths), the new  
File Aliases method should fix that problem.

Slightly off-topic, 1) reminds me of a nice new feature of Endnote X  
(yes, they actually added a new feature), which is to send a library  
and its PDFs to a compressed archive which a user on the other end  
can decompress and have all of the PDFs nicely linked. A similar  
thing could be done with BibDesk fairly easily, I should link...


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