On 12/29/07 5:15 PM, "Christiaan Hofman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 30 Dec 2007, at 1:09 AM, Ingrid Giffin wrote:
>> On 12/29/07 4:27 PM, "Adam R. Maxwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Dec 29, 2007, at 3:09 PM, Alexander H. Montgomery wrote:
>>>> On 2007-12-29, at 2:52 PM, Ingrid Giffin wrote:
>>>>> Do I understand correctly, that there will no longer be the file icon in
>>>>> the column view? This would be a major loss of functionality for me.
>>>>> --Ingrid Giffin
>>>> Me as well. Being able to eyeball which publications have files  and to
>>>> open them is quite useful. One possibility might be to have  something like
>>>> Mail's attachment column; if narrow, it shows a paperclip; if widened, the
>>>> paperclip as well as the number of items attached.
>>> I like this idea; I think that's probably what the majority of people use
>>> the file column for anyway.  Would we need a separate column for non-file
>>> links?
>> I use the column to 1) see if there is an attached file, and 2) to  open it.
>> I hope something like this functionality can remain. I myself would  not need
>> columns for additional files. However, if I have more than one  linked file,
>> I hope I could designate one as the primary file and have that be  the one
>> that opens when I click the icon, presuming the icon (or something  like it)
>> remains.
>> Having to open each individual record to get to its attached file  would be a
>> real pain--a small but frequently occurring one.
>> I don't know if this would be harder or easier to implement, but one
>> alternative might be to put "Open linked file" in a contextual menu  when
>> clicking an item in the column view.
>> However, it's still important to be able to see that the record  does or
>> doesn't have an attachment.
>> Thanks, Ingrid
> You can simply select the item in the table and open it from the icon  view on
> the right. Also the menu items in the Publication menu still  work.
> Christiaan

Ah, I see. That works perfectly well for opening files. I hope there will
still be a way to tell in column view whether a record has linked files or


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