On Apr 29, 2011, at 14:25, kbostroem wrote:

> Sorry if I'm stepping into this discussion that lately, but I'm also one of
> those people with a burning desire for a default-PDF-viewer preference at a
> transparent place in BibDesk. In fact, I just didn't find this preference
> although I was looking for it in the BibDesk preference pane. I then googled
> it and  stumbled into this forum, so I'm happy that the setting exists and
> works!
> I don't like it in General, if not just because it's not a primary  
>> preference. Personally, I would rather side with Adam and remove it  
>> all together than moving it to the General preferences. As it's really  
>> an advanced preference that arguable should not be there at all,  
>> there's a strong case to make it hidden. 
> Why do you developers often see things so deeply different than ordinary
> users?

Because users have deeply different views among themselves (I can assure you), 
and we have to take into account all of these views and in particular logic and 
Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.

> As an ordinary user, I simply don't care if the PDF-viewer setting is an
> "advanced preference" or a "primary preference" or whatever, I just want to
> set it, and I want to find it at a location where I expect it to be, which
> is definitely not under "Fields". 

The placement under Fields has been explained. And above I explained why it 
does not matter whether YOU don't care, the point is that we DO care.

> But more to the point: What exactly is wrong with putting the setting under
> "General"?

That was explained, you apparently read that, so why you ask?

> As far as I can see, the setting does not influence my
> system-wide default PDF-viewer setting, but just and only the BibDesk-wide
> viewer setting. It simply lets me define what viewer to use within BibDesk,
> so it is a veritable BibDesk setting and not in any way suspicious or
> dangerous. How come you and Adam think to the contrary, that it's an "evil"
> setting which should be hidden from the user or even removed?

But it does overrule a standard system setting, and therefore does things that 
can be unexpected, and arguably should not be done.

In hindsight, we should have never added this setting. And there is a good 
chance that in the future it will be a hidden preference, as for the default 
browser (more arguing about this will enhance the chances of this happening, as 
it makes me tired of it).


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