And don't get me started on bikes with chains. Either ride a draisine the
way God intended or get off the path!

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 1:17 AM, tim wong via Bikies <> wrote:

> If that what it takes to get these sedentary brutes onto a bike, then let
> them ride their electric bikes on roads and not on bike paths.  There are a
> few motorized bikes riding around the east side and, like all motorists,
> they are not careful and ride way too close to bikes they pass.
> Admittedly, my n is pretty small, but I resent these lazy assholes being on
> the bike paths.  And it's bogus to say these are for sedentary folks.  By
> far, the most people who use them will be former bicyclists.
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 6:30 PM, Scott Morris Rose via Bikies <
>> wrote:
>> Reporting on a small-scale health study in Boulder of electric-assist
>> bicycles, part of an initiative to formulate policy on whether to allow
>> them on bike paths. They conclude that these bikes are a good way to get
>> sedentary folks into better shape. The article comments are (mostly) also
>> worth a read.
>> (For my part, I hate on the fucking things, particularly whenever
>> somebody passes me a little too close on one. But that's my problem, and
>> not really relevant to policy.)
>> --
>> S. Rose
>> I am the one who noshes!
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> --
> Earlier this year I was fined $1221 by the city for having wildflowers in
> my terrace and a burning bush in my yard. My trial occurred more than
> three months after the city council unanimously approved the "Pollinator
> Protection Task Force" report which seeks to protect pollinators--bees,
> butterflies, moths, bats, hummingbirds, etc., and preserve pollinator
> habitat  But the city's Building Inspection Division didn't get the "memo"
> and continues to order pollinator habitat removed and prosecutes people who
> don't comply. If you feel the ordinances on the books should be amended,
> sign my petition:
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