On Tuesday, August 30 at 05:42 PM, quoth Gary:
I'm open to all suggestions to limit spam traffic; Gerrit suggested once that we drop subscriptions and simply introduce a confirm-per-message approach. How does that sound?

Most of the EZMLM lists that I am on seem to use this, and generally works well.

On the other hand, it doesn't stop bounce-back messages. For example, somehow, several yahoo groups, ebay support addresses, and miscellaneous other addresses have been maliciously subscribed to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. Thus, whenever you post, you get messages from yahoo, ebay, and a few other places either confirming your subscription request to their list or thanking you for your support request or whatever.

The approach works reasonably well in theory, but I think in practice it attracts people who want to subvert it more than more typical mailing list systems.

On the other hand, the qmail mailing list has a similar setup, and doesn't have those problems. So it's definitely not a guaranteed issue, but per-message confirmations don't magically fix everything (and they're a bit of a hassle).

Eskimo: If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?
Priest: No, not if you did not know.
Eskimo: Then why did you tell me?
                                                       -- Annie Dillard

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