\On 07/26/10 23:02, Barry Margolin wrote:
In article<mailman.100.1280077153.15649.bind-us...@lists.isc.org>,
  "Laws, Peter C."<pl...@ou.edu>  wrote:

Understood, but what I'm asking about is that the slave does not appear to be
losing contact with the first-listed master.  In fact, from the logs, it
appears to be flipping back and forth (though not round-robinning).

Multiple masters is not about losing contact, it's about getting the
most up-to-date version of the zone.  There's no reason for the slave to

A HA! So the answer to my original question, after all this, is "Yes" (this is expected behavior).


Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
Feedback? Contact my director, Craig Cochell, cra...@ou.edu. Thank you!
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