On 21/06/2011 15:22, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:26:30PM +0200,
>  Metropolitan College <Eric Kom> <eric...@metropolitanstaff.co.za> wrote 
>  a message of 87 lines which said:
>> But since I got the internal services to resolve, if I remove the
>> internal resolution, I won't solve request in the case if my
>> internet is down?
> This sentence is not clear. So I prefer restating the good practices:
Since Views are complicated to implement,
I wanna  know if after removed the view and only have DNS for my public
IPs addresses,  clients are going to solve also the internal request in
the case if my internet connection I down?

> 1) Authoritative and recursive services are two very different things
> and should be handled separately. Set up an authoritative name server,
> set up a recursive name server and don't mix them.
> 2) Views are brittle and complicated and should be avoided.

You Truly

Eric Kom

System Administrator - Metropolitan College

2 Hennie Van Till, White River, 1240
Tel: 013 750 2255 | Fax: 013 750 0105 | Cell: 078 879 1334
eric...@kom.za.net | eric...@namekom.co.za | eric...@erickom.co.za
www.kom.za.net | www.kom.za.org | www.erickom.co.za

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