On 21.06.11 12:26, Metropolitan College <Eric Kom> wrote:
I'm sorry, I forgot that a terminal mail clients don't support HTMl,

They do. However HTML mail is hard to read and even harder to reply.
That's why I didn't read most of your former mails...

This below is my zone file metropolitanbuntu.co.za.external:

I recommend you skipping the .metropolitanbuntu.co.za. part (bind adds current ORIGIN to names not terminated by dot) and replace "metropolitanbuntu.co.za." by "@".

That would make the file easier to read and less prone to errors (mistakes).

metropolitanbuntu.co.za.        IN      SOA

@       IN              SOA

ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.    postmaster.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.     (

ns1     postmaster (

                               16              ; serial
                               8H              ; refresh
                               2H              ; retry
                               4W              ; expire
                               1D)             ; default_TTL

metropolitanbuntu.co.za.        IN      NS

... I hope these belong to one line, you can even skip the @ since you are still defining RRs for @

        IN      NS      ns1

metropolitanbuntu.co.za.        IN      NS

        IN      NS      ns2

metropolitanbuntu.co.za.        IN      MX      10

        IN      MX      10      mail

metropolitanbuntu.co.za.        IN      TXT     "Metropolitan College
DNS Server."
        IN      TXT     "Metropolitan College DNS Server."

ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.    IN      A

ns1     IN      A

ns2.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.    IN      A

ns2     IN      A

... etc etc.

Since you clearly DO have A records for your NS'es, I guess the problem is in the metropolitanbuntu.co.za zone in the internal view. Check that one.

Views complicate everything and I don't think there is anymore a real
use for them. I strongly suggest you don't use them.


But since I got the internal services to resolve, if I remove the
internal resolution, I won't solve request in the case if my internet is

you _can_ use views but note many of problems with bind come from bad understanding how views work.

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