On 21/06/2011 19:15, Eivind Olsen wrote:
> Metropolitan College <Eric Kom> wrote:
>> I was confusing perhaps!
>> so there's is not way to check the reverse?
> Sure there is. But the reverse zone is called 194.134.41.in-addr.arpa, and
> it's using a file of the same name:
Okay! Thanks
> named-checkzone 194.134.41.in-addr.arpa 194.134.41.in-addr.arpa
root@ns1:/var/cache/bind# named-checkzone 194.134.41.in-addr.arpa
zone 194.134.41.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 16

>> Please can you try to ping ns[1-2].metropolitanbuntu.co.za from your
>> side to see if the DNS responding?
> I can't look up that name. It looks like it might not be properly
> delegated to your nameservers... When I check towards coza1.dnsnode.net
> for example, I'm told that metropolitanbuntu.co.za is handled by
> ns1.serve-hosting.net and ns1.serve-hosting.net - according to those two
> servers, the hostnames ns1 or ns2.metropolitanbuntu.co.ca don't exist:
That is true!
I registered the domain metropolitanbuntu.co.za using the nameservers
ns1.serve-hosting.net and ns1.serve-hosting.net

After set up my nameservers, I tried to update the current nameservers
to ns[1-2].metropolitanbuntu.co.za without success!

This below Is the Warning message from the domain administrator co.za:

COZA: FAIL: No Nameservers found for "metropolitanbuntu.co.za"
Provided Nameserver information
Primary Server  : ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za @
Secondary 1     : ns2.metropolitanbuntu.co.za @

Domain "metropolitanbuntu.co.za", SOA Ref (2010112701), Orig
Pre-existing Nameservers for "metropolitanbuntu.co.za":-

Syntax/Cross-Checking provided info for Nameserver at 6a:
ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za @
IPv4: ==> ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.
FQDN: ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za ==> [WARN: No A records!]

Syntax/Cross-Checking provided info for Nameserver at 6e:
ns2.metropolitanbuntu.co.za @
IPv4: ==> ns2.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.
FQDN: ns2.metropolitanbuntu.co.za ==> [WARN: No A records!]

> Eivind-mac:~ eivind$ dig any ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.
> @ns2.serve-hosting.net
> ; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> any ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za.
> @ns2.serve-hosting.net
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 64015
> ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
> ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
> ;ns1.metropolitanbuntu.co.za. IN      ANY
> metropolitanbuntu.co.za. 86400        IN      SOA     ns1.serve-hosting.net.
> root.serve-hosting.net. 2010112701 86400 7200 3600000 86400
> ;; Query time: 139 msec
> ;; SERVER:
> ;; WHEN: Tue Jun 21 19:15:21 2011
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 107

That is why you can found!

I gonna try again to update the nameservers for metropolitanbuntu.co.za
to ns[1-].metropolitanbuntu.co.za today!

> Eivind-mac:~ eivind$
> Regards
> Eivind Olsen
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You Truly

Eric Kom

System Administrator - Metropolitan College

2 Hennie Van Till, White River, 1240
Tel: 013 750 2255 | Fax: 013 750 0105 | Cell: 078 879 1334
eric...@kom.za.net | eric...@namekom.co.za | eric...@erickom.co.za
www.kom.za.net | www.kom.za.org | www.erickom.co.za

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