The .local TLD is "reserved" for link-local names, in the context of multicast DNS ("mDNS"), however, I don't think mDNS has progressed beyond the Internet Draft stage of the IETF Standards Track process. See for latest updates.

It would be imprudent to use .local for anything other mDNS, due to the possibility that mDNS might get on the Standards Track some day. Tell the user that there are billions of other "private" TLDs from which to choose.

                                                - Kevin
On 11/14/2012 10:02 AM, King, Harold Clyde (Hal) wrote:
I'm a bit confused by a user request. I think he is trying to keep some hosts on the private side of DNS, but he wants to use a DNS name like host.sub.local. I do not know of the use of the .local TLD except in bonjure. Can anyone shed some light on the use of the .local TLD?

Hal King  - <>
Systems Administrator
Office of Information Technology
Systems: Business Information Systems

The University of Tennessee
103C5 Kingston Pike Building
2309 Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: 974-1599

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