On 11/14/2012 10:08 AM, Tony Finch wrote:
King, Harold Clyde (Hal) <h...@utk.edu> wrote:

I'm a bit confused by a user request. I think he is trying to keep some
hosts on the private side of DNS, but he wants to use a DNS name like
host.sub.local. I do not know of the use of the .local TLD except in
bonjure. Can anyone shed some light on the use of the .local TLD?
Microsoft have recommended its use for sites that don't have a properly
registered domain name. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/296250
I stopped reading as soon as I saw the requirement to add a NetBIOS name, being overpowered by the stench of obsolescence. Does anyone actually run "2000" or "2003" versions of Microsoft products any more? Does Microsoft even support those versions?

                                                - Kevin
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