Hi again,

Actually, it may well be that bind allows me sufficient
leeway to do most of the tests I want, so this is just
to check that there's no imminent plan to have bind
disallow the kind of rubbish HTTPS RRs below. If that's
not likely to change in the next few months, then I'd
say I'm fine. (With apologies for the noise;-)


$ dig +short https dodgy.test.defo.ie
1 . alpn="\"" ipv4hint= ech=Cg==
1 . ech=AAA=
1 . ech=ADn+DQA128zMACBZkH1hkFTJB6Hyls62Pd4dV/cvFdsXJgGi9rVeZufNDwAEAAEAAQAGYmFyLmllAAA=
1 . alpn="\"" ipv4hint= ech
1 . alpn="\"" ipv4hint= ech=Cg==

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Description: OpenPGP public key

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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