On Monday 02 May 2011 at 21:53 (CET), Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
> We (BIRD developers) would like to know which major features you miss in
> BIRD and would like to be implemented. 
> .. or perhaps no new big features, just some more work to already
> implemented areas?

or perhaps some "minor" features/changes:

* Deduplication of history in the client:
When doing "show protocols all" 10 times in a row, only add it to the history 
list once. Or perhaps even dedup the complete history.

* More parser friendly output 
Currently the output of the client contains a fair ammount of whitespace and 
other cruft to align stuff etc. A less "pretty" output would make it much 
easier to parse it. Obviously it would require a (commandline) parameter to 
select this mode in other to not interfere with interactive usage.

Other than that, keep up the good work!

Ruben Laban

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