Hi Eric,

> On Jul 6, 2019, at 03:28, Eric Voskuil <e...@voskuil.org> wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 2019, at 17:17, ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Good morning Eric,
>>> But it’s worth noting that early recovery of the UTXO entirely eliminates 
>>> the value of the time lock cost to the ad market. The most obvious example 
>>> is one encumbering the coin to himself, then releasing it with his own two 
>>> signatures whenever he wants. In other words, there is no encumbrance at 
>>> all, just a bunch of pointless obscurantion.
>> You still do not understand.
>> I strongly suggest actually reading the post instead of skimming it.
> I am responding to the cryptoeconomic principles, not the implementation 
> details. Based on your comments here I am not misrepresenting those 
> principles.
> For example, I have shown that the multisig unlock implementation reduces the 
> presumably-encumbered UTXO to simply a UTXO. You have not disputed that. In 
> fact below you have accepted it (more below).
>> The advertisement is broadcast to new nodes on the ad network if and only if 
>> its backing UTXO remains unspent.
>> Once the UTXO is spent, then the advertisement is considered no longer valid 
>> and will be outright deleted by existing nodes, and new nodes will not learn 
>> of them (and would consider it spam if it is forced to them when the UTXO is 
>> already spent, possibly banning the node that pushes the advertisement at 
>> them).
>> Thus the locked-ness of the UTXO is the lifetime of the advertisement.
> The term “locked” here is misused. A unspent output that can be spent at any 
> time is just an unspent output. The fact that you can “unencumber” your own 
> coins should make this exceedingly obvious:
>> Once you disencumber the coins (whether your own, or rented) then your 
>> advertisement is gone; forever.
> As I have shown, there is no *actual* encumbrance.

If you have to forgo using your money while using a service that encumbers you. 
You incur opportunity cost proportional to time you use the service and the 
amount you waived to use elsewhere.
No crypto is needed to understand this.

>> Your advertisement exists only as long as the UTXO is unspent.
> Exactly, which implies *any* UTXO is sufficient. All that the ad network 
> requires is proof of ownership of any UTXO.

Not any, but one with significant value, so a service with limited bandwith can 
prioritize by that.

> Best,
> Eric
>> Regards.
>> ZmnSCPxj


Tamas Blummer

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