So. It's been a while. =:) bbkeys 0.3.6 is hereby released into the wild,
  God have mercy on us. Thanks to several patches and ideas sent in from
  my little user community (look, Ma, I've got users!!), bbkeys now sports
  several new really neato features, such as window moving and resizing via
  keystroke navigation. Also, I've reworked the methodology behind the
  whole configuration launch thingey (Kyle, you were -> <- this close), and
  I've reworked the very simple "just to get you started with bbkeys
  configuration" C program, bbkeysConfigC, that gets launched in an xterm
  rxvt to be a little bit more useful and much more informative. (Can you
  DISCLAIMER, anyone?) 

  Also in this release is an updated bbkeysconf package (available in rpm,
  deb, lemon-lime, and tooty-fruity flavors) that allows configuration of
  new and improved bbkeys features. Trek on over to
  to download your choice of rpm, deb, or source-ball. As always, please
  me know of any problems or  issues you may have with this fine, quality
product.... =:)

Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
Systems     Engineer
bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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