Laszlo Gerencser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jan Schaumann wrote:

> > I said, I have not encountered any problems
> > that would require me to patch the source.  If there are serious bugs
> > and patches are available, then, sure, they should be included.  But
> > it's always (as especially seen on this list) the dicussion of "Bug vs.
> > Feature".
> As I wrote a few weeks (months?) ago, there ARE bugs in bb.  The
> workspace change crash IS a bug. (I hope nobody consider it as a
> feature).  If you don't use slowly redrawing apps and/or don't change
> workspaces quickly, this may never happen on your system.

JFTR: It doesn't occur on my system, no matter how fast I switch
desktops or what apps I have running.

> But there
> are many people on this list (including myself) who had this kind of
> chrash, dumping bb core.  This is a fact. I don't want to discuss it
> more, everyone can access the list archive and find details on it.

Yes, this is a bug.  It needs to be fixed.  I don't know if it's a
blackbox or bbkeys bug, since I have not followed the discussion.

> It is clearly a development task to address these problems.
> Continuous development is a vital point of any kind of software.


> Don't misunderstand me, I do not need additional features, I even do
> not use patches for bb. But I would like to see at least a minimal
> development effort to make bb better. (Sorry, I do not have any C++
> knowledge. Maybe I'll learn this language in the future.)

Well, maybe you should.  Open Source always offers you the possibility
of scratching your itch.  That's the greatest thing about it - on the
other hand, nobody can come along and say "I can't do it, but I demand
others do it"[1].

> I can't belive that anybody will claim here that the deveolpment of bb
> is not wanted anymore. We can live with the current (great) release,
> but I'm sure, everybody would be happy to be able to install a new
> version.

Only if the new version offers features I'm missing or fixes bugs I'm
encountering.  Why else would I install a new version?  Just b/c it's

I do not mean that BB is perfect and should not be touched again, ever.
What I _do_ mean, is that it's tricky to determine the actual bugs and
separate them from what people *consider* bugs, b/c they are not used to
the way BB works, or b/c they have certain expectations towards a
windowmanager, that would be better suited for a Desktop Environment.


[1] grossly paraphrasing and not intended as bait


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