On Thu, 2001-11-22 at 21:08, Daniel T. Chen wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Peter Szekszardi wrote:
> [...]
> > focus errors), but it's ok. The only problem with Blackbox is one thing:
> > it is in a quite "left-alone" state. There are a number of patches
> Furthermore, I've never been able to reproduce the
> bb<->bbkeys crash on workspace "bug." Even after reading through the
> archives, I'm not entirely sure it is a bug in bb.

On a somewhat similiar note, I've patched Blackbox with the mouse wheel
patch.  I would say that this patch allow for significantly faster
cycling of workspaces, and I have not been able to crash BB by cycling
workspaces regardless of the system load or the applications running at
the time.  Some may consider this an apples and oranges comparison. 
However, it does illustrate that BB workspaces can be changed extremely
rapidly and reliably (at least in my experience).  So, IMHO this is not
a bug with BB, but rather with how BB Keys and BB are interoperating. 
Granted, BB shouldn't crash regardless, but that's only part of the

Jamin W. Collins
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner

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