On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 10:41, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > a) are there any OS/2 people out there using blackbox.  I would like to remove
> > the OS/2 cruft if possible.
> Never having used OS/2, I don't care either way, but it's an almost
> philosphical question: should support for any Operating System be
> dropped if the usernumber falls below a certain number?  I guess since
> OS/2's basically dead, it really doesn't matter.

I vote for removing the cruft related to OS/2.  The fact that I've not
come across one person using OS/2 and blackbox--or having questions
related to--in the 4+years *scratching head at how long it's been really
since I first used Brad's blackbox with pixmap icons in #linux* that
I've been using blackbox tells me there's not all that much interest in
it anyway. =:)

> > b) the slit is currently a compile time option which I think is a little silly.
> >  How many of you actually compile with the slit turned off?  How many of those
> > would care if the slit was still in the code, but only active if an app was
> > actually in it?  In other words, why are you disabling the slit?
> At home I use the slit with one or two dockapps - at work I don't use
> the slit at all, and even though I never recompiled bb to exclude the
> slit (I would if I didn't use it at home, but can't as at work I don't
> want to have a copy of BB separate from the systemwide install), I think
> it's a good idea to have it be a compile-time option.

Um. I disagree.  Having this as a compile-time option has always seemed
silly to me.  I think this should always be enabled.  If you don't put
anything there, it won't show up.  If you use dock apps at all, then you
need it to be there.  It seems to me that it just complicates things
going forward leaving it as a compile-time option--makes maintenance a
more difficult task.

> The Toolbar I only use for the date's advanced capabilities (strftime)
> over bbdate.  If the Toolbar could be a compile-time option[1], I'd leave
> it out and adjust bbdate to support strftime and construct my own
> Toolbar-lookalike from bbmail, bbdate and bbweather.

Um.  I may be completely confused (quite possible--probability rather
high considering nobody else has thought of this), but isn't this
already possible by using the slit in a horizontal manner and docking
the mentioned apps?  It seems to me that you'd end up with a horizontal
bar that looks and feels exactly like a custom-constructed toolbar.  And
I understand that the missing piece for you seems to be bbdate not doing

Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
Numbers 6:24-26

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