> Now this is something I really don't get. I took a look at the KDE patch 
> since I use a lot of KDE apps. It's very small and doesn't need any KDE 
> libraries. Afaics there's absolutely no bloat in the patch, only a feature 
> that some people find nice. I simply can't see why a patch like this is not 
> included. To say that "the lack of docked application support has always been
> one of its defining features" doesn't make sense to me. Had it cost 
> performance or meant linking with kdelibs or something, then of course it 
> shouldn't be allowed. But simply saying "we feel the users shouldn't do this"
> sounds stupid to me.
> If I can find the time, I'll update the patch with a compile time option and 
> maybe a runtime option, and then send the patch to the list.

My other reason for not supporting KDE dock apps directly is I would also have
to support GNOME.  Right now GNOME has its own way of doing things despite
pushing the wm standard.  Sure I could say "KDE only" but then it appears to be

Of course, you could write a small bbtool that acted like a panel for
kde apps.  The wm need not give you everything.

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