On Friday 20 May 2005 20:09, Chakkaradeep C C wrote:
> hi all,
>  k,let me put like this....i have completed LFS and now am going to
> proceed with BLFS.....i would be happy if someone could give me ideas
> regarding BLFS.....am planning to have my own desktop,application
> list,and ofcourse security issues too...

Well, As Linux is full of choices, most of BLFS is at least doubly redundant, 
except where it gets as far as quintuply redundant. Therefore, a single 
tarball of BLFS will be at least 4 times larger that any one system could 

As you seem new to Linux, especially LFS/BLFS, I'll give my personal 
suggestions for standard desktop apps for beginners.

The two heavy weights here are KDE and Gnome. These are all-singing, 
all-dancing, every bell-N-whistle included desktops.

For beginners, especially BLFS'ers, I'd recommend KDE:
1) It has fewer extra dependencies. QT, aRtS and KDE-Libs cover most of it, 
with only a few miscellaneous extra pre-req's. Gnome is built on top of many 
smaller libs, all of which must be installed in correct order and can be 
difficult to get installed.
2) A KDE Desktop is very familiar to those who've learned to use a certain 
proprietary Desktop from Redmond (-; Just because your system is M$ free, 
doesn't mean it can't act like one. You will be more productive if you are in 
a familiar desktop, rather than trying to get your head around new ideas in 
desktop look-N-feel.

Of course it's your choice. There are also many other Window Managers/ 
Desktops out there. Xfce is very small, fast and powerful. It's also quite 
interesting to get your head around how it works. It's like nothing you've 
ever seen, unless you've played with HP-UX or a few other Proprietary UNIX's 
that include CDE.


Now KDE includes many basic desktop tools and apps, including file managers, 
shells, E-Mail, web browser etc...

Although there is KDE-Office, it's not as good with M$ type doc's as Open 
Office or Star Office. So I'd recommend getting Open Office for M$ 

But, building Open Office, and it's dependency, Java, I find to be overkill. I 
personally installed the binary versions of both and am quite happy with the 
results. Of course, you can compile Java and Open Office, but I don't see the 

One must-have is MPlayer. This will play almost any kind of audio/video media 
you might find on the 'net. It only has a basic GTK GUI, as it's mainly a 
command-line tool, but there is also a KDE GUI called, KPlayer.

For a more familiar MP3 player, XMMS is great for having on your desktop with 
a selection of playlists to provide background noise to cover the incessant 
tappity-tappity of the keyboard (-;

If you want to play with Databases, any SQL-type database should work, which 
covers most of those in the book. Read up on each and pick one. I've chose 
MySQL, but that's just me.

For security, the book includes OpenSSL and OpenSSH, as well as pam, and 
others. There have been issues with pam for novices. If you don't understand 
the docs, I'd avoid it.

These are just my suggestions. Start with the big packages, check the 
dependencies and build a list. Once you have that list, start installing from 
the bottom-up. I.E. install the libs and pre-req's that have no other 
pre-req's, then install the app's that are supported by what you've 
installed, and keep going until you have the desktop of your dreams (-;

Unlike LFS, there is no 'right way' to build your desktop, there's just too 
many options. Pick what you want, find out what that needs and install your 
desktop from the ground up.

Hope this gives you some ideas and points you in the right direction.


        John Gay
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