My overall situation is that I'm installing Window Maker. There's a gui for configuring it once it's installed. My problem is that the tabs for selecting the different functions aren't labeled--they're blank. I did some digging in the INSTALL and discovered that Window Maker requires "Xft2 and its dependencies freetype2 and fontconfig."

I currently have freetype-2.1.9  and fontconfig-2.3.3 installed.

After googling and finding absolutely nothing useful, I stumbled onto two files at opendesktop/releases--lib Xft-2.1.7 and xft-2.1.2. In their respective README's they both say, "This is the first stand alone release of Xft."

I searched the LFS and BLFS archives and found no reference to Xft2 after about July, 2003. The majority of the posts dealt with troubles installing Pango.

My question: Is the current xft that I have installed REALLY Xft2?

The man page starts with the statement, " Xft - X FreeType interface library," and ends with the statement, " As of version 2, Xft has become relatively stable and is expected to retain source and binary compatibility in future releases."

I need to read the Window Maker FAQ's about my problem, but currently I not sure whether I have the depencies installed.

But what really has me bonkers is that the dependencies for Window Maker that are listed at the Free Software Foundation, come no where close to matching those in the Window Maker INSTALL file!

I appreciate any help.



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