Alan Lord wrote these words on 05/22/06 14:10 CST:

> I have a question which now seems as good a time as any to pose: in 
> that, as a non-"desktop" user (Either Fluxbox or XFCE at a push) would 
> there be any benefit to us minimalists using these automated features?

Perhaps not at the moment. But I can see more and more packages
using D-BUS/HAL. It is not all for automation, it is being used for
actual functionality as well. For example, in the Avahi package
(a service discovery - Zeroconf networking type package), if you
don't have D-BUS installed, you lose out on the basic functionality
of advertising the services, your host provides. Said differently,
if you don't have D-BUS installed, the Avahi daemon is not
accessible over IPC to other applications.

My belief is that more and more packages are going to go the D-Bus
route, simply to use and be part of a common messaging system.
If you don't use D-BUS now, my belief is that there will come a
day when you will use it.

> I thought this might be more appropriate on the general list, so please 
> feel free to take this over there if it is a better place.

This list if fine for a discussion of supporting/describing a BLFS
package. :-)


rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.27] [GNU ld version 2.16.1] [gcc (GCC) 4.0.3]
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