> Hmm... it occurs to me that while using FS monitoring (or your 'find'
> based approach) is neat, it's not parallel-safe. I'm guessing you
> don't install more than one package simultaneously? My current build
> scripts basically consist of a generated Makefile to deal with
> dependencies, and it copes quite happily with being run with half a
> dozen processes...

Absolutely correct, one package at a time.  Anything that changes in the
watched directories will be attributed to the installation in progress,
and the script checks to see if it already has a "was" list, i.e.
installation being observed before continuing.

As I wrote:
> Just so as you sit there and watch the console scroll by and don't do
> anything that's going to change the directories being watched!  Get
> impatient and chaos breaks loose!

One of the "fixes" I had to install was a sleep!  If the install were,
say, just copying a few small files to /etc that could be done before
the clock ticked, then they didn't show up when the script looked for
"newer than".  A sleep was a smaller change than using comm.

> so this isn't someone who began at the beginning and tries to build
> everything.

I don't do that either, not quite.

>  And with respect, I suggest that many of the packages you build are
>  *not* the sort of things that most people will want!  I still think
>  that a typical new builder wants to get some sort of desktop running,
>  and then they can mostly do their own thing.

Firstly, I offered that as an example, not a guide. In general though, I
agree, X is a major goal.  I choose to make a more friendly, manageable
CLI system first because my installation process is not entirely
automated.  And I find the liklihood of needing networking is high.

>  There was no enthusiasm from the editors - I know, I was keen on
>  releases, but nobody else was.

That's unfortunate.  BLFS is much harder to use now.

> I'm not dismissing a newbie's "what do I want to build" section, but I
> think it cannot go into too much detail about dependencies, otherwise
> it will fairly quickly become out of date.

Agreed.  It should be general in scope.

>  OK, if that's your starting point I'll copy it in here and criticise -

No need.  It was an example of how one builder goes from a bare LFS to a
more capable system, not a guide.

> Do you, personally, see an actual problem with the "open BLFS index,
> search for name of package like Firefox, click and go down
> dependencies" approach? I know that's exactly what I did when *I* was
> a newbie, and it worked fine.

I don't build a ladder to get to one fruit, I build a platform that
supports whatever I need to do, harvest, pruning, etc.  Personal
approach, eh?

> In general, Ken has already covered most of what I'd say in reply, but
> I'd also note that much of the stuff you list is just dependencies.
> You don't install openssl or libpng because you want those packages,
> as they're almost useless on their own. They're things you install
> only because they're needed in order to install something you *do*
> care about (e.g openssh, or a desktop)

Certainly.  I do have goals to get to.  But a newbie would, I think,
benefit from being told that (s)he needs to build certain dependencies,
with PERHAPS some guidance to what a good set would be, before getting
to the goal of a functional desktop.  In the LFS book the approach is
forward-looking, i.e. "We need libc before we can proceed", while as
everybody is saying, in the BLFS book it's all backward-looking and only
finds dependencies that lead to one specific package.  I think I spend
rather more time than most here developing a broader base of "support"
packages, a "layered" approach.
Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)


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