> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 22:14:25 +1300
> From: m...@pc-networking-services.com
> To: blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
> Subject: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option
>       to `s'
> Hello,
> This is my second attempt to post this here.  I beat the confirmation
> e-mail by posting to the list and receieve the bounce that it was waiting
> the list moderators approval and that was on the 5th.
> I have also posted this error on the devleopers website on the 3rd of Feb
> and no responce there either.
> I really do not know how you can say that compiling java from scratch
> following EXACTLY the instructions given works on a BLFS build as it
> clearly does NOT.  Though this is the output from a later version, the at
> the time book version 2.4.1 gives the same unknow option to s sed error
> message.
> I do not know enough about the substitution strings in sed to know if by
> chaning the / to another character if it would actually in an unknown way
> create errors down the track if compilation was successful.  It would seem
> to me that no one has actually followed the printed instructions through
> to see if it actually does compile.
> I am by no means a newbie to linux.  I have done technical writing and
> have followed through the instructions that I wrote to make sure there
> were no errors.
> make[5]: Entering directory
> `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> /bin/mkdir -p /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc
> rm -f /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc/Version.java
> rm -f /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc/Version.java.temp
> /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
>     -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-BLFS/g' \
>     -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-BLFS-b31/g' \
>     -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
>     -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \

That '/n/a/g' looks not right - one too many '/' chars?

And note - re sed errmsg below - that _that_ is the fifth '-e' expr.


>     -e 's/@@distro_package_version@@//g' \
>     -e 's/@@java_runtime_name@@/OpenJDK Runtime Environment/g' \
>     -e 's/@@jdk_revid@@//g' \
>     -e 's/@@hotspot_revid@@//g' \
> ../../../src/share/classes/sun/misc/Version.java.template >
> /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc/Version.java.temp
> /bin/sed: -e expression #5, char 21: unknown option to `s'
> make[5]: *** [/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc/Version.java]
> Error 1
> make[5]: Leaving directory
> `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
> make[4]: *** [all] Error 1
> make[4]: Leaving directory `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java'
> I really would appreciate it if someone could actually check and see if
> they get a successful compilation without going through and having to edit
> the Makefile.  It is a long build for me as I only have a duel core
> processor.  I tried the compilation several times, each time totally
> deleting the build directory to make sure that there were no left over
> files.
> It would seem that if the developer is not even interested in
> acknowledging the error that we are on our own with it.
> Regards,
> Christopher
> -- 

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