On 02/14/2014 10:32 AM, akhiezer wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 22:14:25 +1300
>> From: m...@pc-networking-services.com
>> To: blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
>> Subject: [blfs-support] Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option
>>      to `s'
>> Hello,
>> This is my second attempt to post this here.  I beat the confirmation
>> e-mail by posting to the list and receieve the bounce that it was waiting
>> the list moderators approval and that was on the 5th.
>> I have also posted this error on the devleopers website on the 3rd of Feb
>> and no responce there either.
>> I really do not know how you can say that compiling java from scratch
>> following EXACTLY the instructions given works on a BLFS build as it
>> clearly does NOT.  Though this is the output from a later version, the at
>> the time book version 2.4.1 gives the same unknow option to s sed error
>> message.
>> I do not know enough about the substitution strings in sed to know if by
>> chaning the / to another character if it would actually in an unknown way
>> create errors down the track if compilation was successful.  It would seem
>> to me that no one has actually followed the printed instructions through
>> to see if it actually does compile.
>> I am by no means a newbie to linux.  I have done technical writing and
>> have followed through the instructions that I wrote to make sure there
>> were no errors.
>> make[5]: Entering directory
>> `/opt/icedtea-2.4.5/openjdk-boot/jdk/make/java/version'
>> /bin/mkdir -p /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc
>> rm -f /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc/Version.java
>> rm -f /opt/icedtea-2.4.5/generated.build/sun/misc/Version.java.temp
>> /bin/sed -e 's/@@launcher_name@@/java/g' \
>>     -e 's/@@java_version@@/1.7.0_51-BLFS/g' \
>>     -e 's/@@java_runtime_version@@/1.7.0_51-BLFS-b31/g' \
>>     -e 's/@@jdk_derivative_name@@/IcedTea 2.4.5/g' \
>>     -e 's/@@distro_name@@/n/a/g' \
> That '/n/a/g' looks not right - one too many '/' chars?
> And note - re sed errmsg below - that _that_ is the fifth '-e' expr.
> hth,
> akh

Indeed, like distro_name is set to n/a by configure or whatever java
uses. You could look for a switch that overrides it but I think someone
would notice it if it was present in the default BLFS setup. If you
modified the official instructions for some reason, try first with the
default ones and see if it works.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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