Hi Margaret,

If, as you say, the power went out midway through downloading your messages, 
then the computer didn't have time to transmit the fact that it had been 
downloaded, and so the server assumed you had not gotten the messages.

Once your computer downloads your e-mail, it sends the information to the 
mail server, letting it know that the messages did come down, and that it 
shouldn't re-send them again.

This happens quite often during power outages.

Whether this was a result of your e-mail problems, I don't think so, it 
sounds more like the power outage knocked your computer for a loop, and it 
literally couldn't remember what it did before the outage.

To change the leave a copy on the server option, go into the accounts in the 
tools menu, highlight the account and go to properties.

Control+tab over to the advanced tab, and it will be below the time out 
settings on that tab.

Make sure the checkmark is unchecked, then go to apply then ok, and it won't 
leave a copy of the messages on the server anymore.

I should note that this will not delete any messages that are there already, 
just the new ones you receive from that change on.

If you want to delete those messages you'll have to go back into the account 
through webmail and delete them manually.

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