Perhaps some sort of turn-based strategy game, e.g. empire building of
some sort or another. To offer further clarifications:

1. You have an economy to manage
2. You would have to protect your existing territories
3. You would have to conquer other territories to expand your
influence/economy/military power
4. Maintain and upgrade a military force for said expansion/defensive actions

I am not sure that this would be the best example, but an Axis and
Allies (with modifications) might work. I am reluctant to provide
specifics at this stage, but would be more than happy to put my ideas
out on the table-when you are ready for them/find them of interest in
the first place.

On 2/10/18, Nick and Gemma Adamson <> wrote:
> Hi All.
> As you may know I develop audio games and currently have 3 titles I've
> released over the last 6 years, check out for Dotris,
> Park
> Boss, and Tube Sim.
> I'm trying to come up with a new project that I can work on and I thought
> I'd ask what area do players feel is lacking with in the audio games
> community.
> As a day job I'm a developer in a field which is not related to games at
> all
> so developing audio games is something I do for fun.
> So I'm after your ideas. What is a type of game which you'd like to play
> which there's not an audio game for?
> Now that's quite a big question so I'm going to put some limits.
> 1.    I'm not after a whole game synopsis or script yet. A brief paragraph
> is more than enough. Tell me just enough so I get the idea of the game or
> the type of game you'd like to play.
> 2.    I'm not interested in rewriting an audio game that already exists.
> That's not to say that if your idea has enough differences to something
> that
> already exists it won't be considered. For example, suggesting a "better
> racing game" is a bit vague. You'd need to tell me why it's not the same as
> topspeed3. Or a submarine simulator, why isn't it lone wolf. Feel free to
> consider games from the past that are no longer available but what would
> make it better.
> 3.    I'm not really interested in developing another first person shooter
> or version of space invaders.
> 4.    I'm not really in to games that don't really have any skill to them.
> That's not to say the concept of casual games shouldn't be suggested, but
> I'd like to develop a game that has replay value and isn't something that
> you'd play for 15 minutes before getting board of.
> 5.    Consider game genres. Think big, Think small, Think card games,
> Think board games, Think simulator, think adventure games, think games that
> tell a story, think games that don't, basically let your imagination run
> wild, other than the couple of limits above, know idea is off the table.
> For those who have played the games I've released are there any areas that
> I
> could improve on. I'm not after specific changes you'd like to see, it's
> more of a general question, Better audio, more immersive, less repetitive,
> more or less challenging. I'm looking for things that will help with future
> developments. One of the things is I'm going to be moving away from BGT as
> a
> development environment, I think I've just about hit the limits of what it
> can do.
> There's no promises that any ideas will be taken forward, and don't expect
> anything to be released in the next couple of weeks. Really what I'm hoping
> will happen is that someone will suggest something and it'll grab my
> attention and spark my imagination.
> Thanks.
> Nick.

Justin M. Jones, M.A.
(254) 624-9155
701 Ewing St. #509-C, Ft. Wayne IN, 46802

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