   I would be very much interested in an audio Civilization like game. I have 
longed for something like that. Years ago I used to play Utopia. It was a turn 
based, online, text only game.
Stan B
-----Original Message-----
From: blind-gamers@groups.io [mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io] On Behalf Of 
Justin Jones
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2018 10:31 PM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] Coming up with ideas for a new game project.

There was a computerized version of Axis and Allies and it was to that version 
that I was referring. Still, I agree, Civilization is a better fit for what I 
am talking about.

Other ideas:

1. A Dwarf Fortress-esque game
2. A good 2D action-platformer (that supports game controllers), The Gate was a 
step in the right direction, but there were way too many flaws to make it 
playable 3. Something similar to the above, only with an emphasis on 
exploration, e.g. something like Metroid

On 2/10/18, Daniel Wolak <danielwola...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> pitching in here for once, as I rarely do :)
> Just wanted to say that I agree 110% with what Josh has just said, as 
> far as the fact that simulations are lacking in the audiogaming world, 
> and I like Josh would love an as realistic as possable trucking 
> simulator. It's I would say the one area that's really not had a solid 
> entry since Jim Kitchen's excelent trucker, although it's just a 
> starting point in my oppinion and is an excelent game for what it's worth.
> Just my thoughts.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 10/02/2018 21:55, Joshua Tubbs wrote:
>> I think we need a realistic trucking simulator. Jim Kitchen’s Trucker 
>> doesn’t do it for me, as you don’t actually drive a truck, instead 
>> it’s just programmed by playing sounds and inputting numbers.
>> This simulator should be like Eurofly and use real map data from a 
>> source such as Open Street Maps, where the world is at our 
>> fingertips. I’m sure BGT won’t be able to pull the data from the Open 
>> Street Map API though, so I hope you switch to a language capable of doing 
>> that.
>> I also think we are getting more online games, but at present Swamp 
>> is the only one where you can team up with people on missions. With a 
>> trucking simulator, it’d be nice to communicate and interact with 
>> people online, whether that be buying food at truck stops or resting with 
>> them.
>> I don’t know how task dispatches would be generated, but when I think 
>> of “simulator” I’d like it to be as realistic as possible, no excuses 
>> unless you can’t get help programming a certain feature. For example, 
>> the Eurofly developer says it’s impossible to program some features 
>> to make flying more realistic. Okay, fine, I don’t expect to be 
>> flying airways and for you to map out every single airport in the 
>> world. But at least use feet for everything, as real pilots do, make 
>> ATC phraseology realistic and use all the frequencies and have 
>> coverage available worldwide, even though the tower voices may be the same a 
>> lot.
>> Which brings me to Tube Sim. There’s not a lot to do in it. Once 
>> you’re done with Driver School, you’ve got about 10-15 tasks to do, 
>> some of which are long sure. Once complete, that’s it. Then you’re 
>> just left with driving freely and that’s it.
>> So really, I think you should go for the trucking simulator, as 
>> simulators are honestly what’s truly lacking. Those and RPGs.
>>> On Feb 10, 2018, at 7:51 AM, Nick and Gemma Adamson 
>>> <n...@ndadamson.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi All.
>>> As you may know I develop audio games and currently have 3 titles 
>>> I've released over the last 6 years, check out 
>>> https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.ndadamson.co
>>> m&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cc89185ab47fc4cc2eb2c08d570ffe424%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636539166698392958&sdata=LQ%2FSA%2FNUZyvaXPCKAeQOY1ZCRjD%2FJJ3Z7fKtaAw6h70%3D&reserved=0
>>>  for Dotris, Park Boss, and Tube Sim.
>>> I'm trying to come up with a new project that I can work on and I 
>>> thought I'd ask what area do players feel is lacking with in the 
>>> audio games community.
>>> As a day job I'm a developer in a field which is not related to 
>>> games at all so developing audio games is something I do for fun.
>>> So I'm after your ideas. What is a type of game which you'd like to 
>>> play which there's not an audio game for?
>>> Now that's quite a big question so I'm going to put some limits.
>>> 1.  I'm not after a whole game synopsis or script yet. A brief paragraph
>>> is more than enough. Tell me just enough so I get the idea of the 
>>> game or the type of game you'd like to play.
>>> 2.  I'm not interested in rewriting an audio game that already exists.
>>> That's not to say that if your idea has enough differences to 
>>> something that already exists it won't be considered. For example, 
>>> suggesting a "better racing game" is a bit vague. You'd need to tell 
>>> me why it's not the same as topspeed3. Or a submarine simulator, why 
>>> isn't it lone wolf. Feel free to consider games from the past that 
>>> are no longer available but what would make it better.
>>> 3.  I'm not really interested in developing another first person shooter
>>> or version of space invaders.
>>> 4.  I'm not really in to games that don't really have any skill to them.
>>> That's not to say the concept of casual games shouldn't be 
>>> suggested, but I'd like to develop a game that has replay value and 
>>> isn't something that you'd play for 15 minutes before getting board 
>>> of.
>>> 5.  Consider game genres. Think big, Think small, Think card games,
>>> Think board games, Think simulator, think adventure games, think 
>>> games that tell a story, think games that don't, basically let your 
>>> imagination run wild, other than the couple of limits above, know 
>>> idea is off the table.
>>> For those who have played the games I've released are there any 
>>> areas that I could improve on. I'm not after specific changes you'd 
>>> like to see, it's more of a general question, Better audio, more 
>>> immersive, less repetitive, more or less challenging. I'm looking 
>>> for things that will help with future developments. One of the 
>>> things is I'm going to be moving away from BGT as a development 
>>> environment, I think I've just about hit the limits of what it can 
>>> do.
>>> There's no promises that any ideas will be taken forward, and don't 
>>> expect anything to be released in the next couple of weeks. Really 
>>> what I'm hoping will happen is that someone will suggest something 
>>> and it'll grab my attention and spark my imagination.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Nick.

Justin M. Jones, M.A.
(254) 624-9155
701 Ewing St. #509-C, Ft. Wayne IN, 46802

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