Wow, no more questions, your honour. That is fascinating though!

I never realised that a person couldn't tell when they'd made a dramatic
turn to the point they'd feel like they were always travelling straight. I
mean, I've done it with gradual turns, but yeah, what you describe is a
whole new kind of fascinating.

Take care,

Chris Norman

On Sun, 2 Aug 2020 at 06:57, Jessica Hodges <> wrote:

> hmm, that's a bit of a complicated question. I know general things, for
> example that glass is see through, but I'm not good at knowing the affects
> of light, shadow, angle, things like that, so I very well might have cast
> shadows, I don't remember by now.
> I'm not sure about computerized maps. I've never seen that really done
> well but I'd be curious. The same goes for game ideas. Tactile maps really,
> really confuse me, because I don't especially grasp the differences in
> point of view from what's on paper to where I am and what I'm experiencing.
> I can be looking at a map, then,  but it doesn't really explain,
> necessarily, what I'm going to see/run into, and I get confused because I'm
> somewhere else. Additionally, I get sort of overwhelmed/bogged down with
> the information present, so many lines and directions and labels and... As
> a result, they don't admittedly end up helping much. Simple maps still
> frustrate me as well, mostly due to the point of view issue discussed
> above. I suspect it has to do with not having a basis in things a lot of
> people would deem simple and intuitive, but perhaps I'm over representing
> things, there. Though I am curious about the ways a computer could change
> this, I suspect I'd run into some of the same problems, particularly with
> scale and point of view.
> Yes, it was me who talked about reversing things. I can reverse directions
> ok, if given steps or whatever, but I don't always understand how doing
> something can get you back where you began. This is likely complicated by
> the fact that, to me, it always feels like I'm walking straight, I have no
> real basis for where I am vs. where I was vs. where I need to be, so I
> never see how all the pieces fit together.
> A practical example. Because of the way that my brain processes sounds,
> all traffic, especially heavy traffic, always sounds like its coming at me
> from an angle, no matter where I'm standing. This makes lining up to cross
> streets very difficult. If I cross, and end up going diagonally, I'll end
> up somewhere and, because of the way that my mind works, have no clue where
> I'm at in relation to where I need to be and I end up hopelessly lost with
> no basis for really finding myself again, though it was a little mistake.
> I hope what I've said makes sense. Feel free to write on or off list if
> you have more questions/commentary.
> Jessica.
> On 8/1/2020 5:41 PM, Chris Norman via wrote:
> That's really interesting!
> It's challenged my - admittedly narrow-minded - way of seeing things. A
> developmental psychologist I am not, but I find this stuff so damn
> fascinating! I'd love to sit and have a drink with you, and hear about your
> experiences with things.
> As a point of personal interest (and feel free to reply privately if you
> feel this is getting too off-topic), how's your grasp of material
> recognition? I mean, when you had to hide, did you know what it was safe to
> hide behind, without casting a shadow, or being seen through glass?
> I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, who has never met another
> blind person other than me. I was telling her about a case I'd heard of
> where a blind couple got done for having sex in a phone box in broad
> daylight, because they didn't realise the walls of said phone box were
> transparent. She thought it was hilarious, and couldn't grasp why you
> wouldn't know glass was transparent. That got me wondering how anyone who
> can't see would know that stuff. Obviously you pick up in the end, but it
> strikes me that an avid hide and seek player would probably know that
> instinctively, because kids are obviously going to tell you how they caught
> you.
> Also, with the routes thing, do you mean you have no concept of going back
> on yourself, block routes, and reverse direction of travel? I think it was
> you who said they coudln't reverse routes in your head.
> To bring this whole thing back to games somewhat, I wonder if there is any
> way that a game system could be developed to help blind people get a handle
> on this sort of thing, or whether tactile maps or german film are the
> answer.
> What Do you feel would help you? It would be fairly trivial to produce a
> system where a mobility instructor could create a to-scale virtual map of a
> given route, that you could scrutinise at your leisure on your computer,
> but would that even help? Or would that just over complicate things?
> The system could be extended to introduce certain variables, like heavy
> traffic, or road works making a ton of noise, low-flying helicopters, high
> winds, that kind of thing.
> MMM, the mind races!
> Take care,
> Chris Norman
> On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 at 15:55, Jessica Hodges <> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I would challenge, a little, the notion that mental mapping is tied to
>> how much activity someone has had growing up. My mother encouraged me to
>> wander, to play outside, sledding, etc. If I wanted to do something, she
>> didn't tell me no, and she frequently pushed me to do things even when I
>> didn't want to. Hide and seek was one of my favorite childhood games,
>> because I've always liked small places and I liked finding unusual spots
>> for me and my three brothers, (two more would come later) to hide. I
>> would often wrestle with them, slide down the stairs with them on my
>> back, and other assorted things, so I think its safe to say that, while
>> I tended towards staying in and reading books, that I was not cut off
>> from physical activity and exploration. And yet, when I was younger, I'd
>> get lost even on my own block. My mother says, when I was really small,
>> I even had trouble with getting off the porch. Thankfully by now I have
>> progressed, (mostly,) to the point that, a lot of the time, unless I'm
>> really confused, that wouldn't be an issue, but I still, for example,
>> don't understand how going around a block gets you to the same point you
>> started from because you turned and had to walk along streets in the
>> process, and I did, just the other week, get lost going to a diner just
>> a block away where I needed to cross nothing, (don't ask me how I
>> managed to do that, :() Anyhow all that to say, I don't think that's
>> quite where the  connection is. If I had to hazard a guess, I think it
>> has to do, more than anything, with how the brain is wired. Coddling or
>> the lack thereof, frankly, won't fix that.
>> I hope this ramble of a message has made sense, and beg pardon if it
>> didn't, it has been written before breakfast by a very sleepy person. :)
>> Jessica.
>> On 7/31/2020 5:16 AM, Damien Garwood wrote:
>> > Hi Chris,
>> > People who have the skill of echo location are lucky - I could never
>> > grasp that!
>> > As for competence versus safety: If you don't use the tools you have
>> > then you're not going to look competent if you end up hurting
>> > yourself. Think about it, those who are prejudiced will judge you
>> > regardless of how you get around, so you may as well just bite the
>> > bullet. It's sad when having a disability and being able to adapt life
>> > so you can attempt to live (so-called) normally, is prejudiced by
>> > others, even in the 21st century. In short, it makes me sick to think
>> > that a blind person doesn't want to seem or look blind because of
>> > society's expectations.
>> > As for physical activities, you could well be right. I wasn't really
>> > the physical type of child. Even if we went out for a walk my legs
>> > would hurt (but then Mum recently discovered that's likely because I'm
>> > actually walking wrong). As for sports? Forget it. Put me near a gun,
>> > I might be able to shoot a few rounds (yes, I did do acoustic shooting
>> > a long time ago, but that was it). Put me in a swimming pool, you
>> > might get thrown around and splashed a lot, but there'll be no swimming!
>> > My mum didn't mollycoddle me. If anything, I don't think she ever
>> > quite knew what to do with me (she was very young when I was born). My
>> > mum has difficulties showing and explaining things to me even now, so
>> > you can imagine how much she struggled even more so when I was a kid.
>> > In fact, I always remember there were arguments between the school and
>> > my mum as to who should be teaching me basic practical skills (like
>> > dealing with different types of fastenings, using hooks, working out
>> > which is the right way to put clothes on, handling money and so on).
>> > I wouldn't agree with letting kids get cut and burned...That seems a
>> > bit harsh to me. But I do agree that they should at least be allowed
>> > to have a go. It doesn't help that UK's health and safety regulations
>> > have gone to the dogs - soon they probably won't even let us sit on
>> > chairs due to the risk that they'll snap from underneath us!
>> > Now even I didn't realise hide and seek was a game that blind people
>> > could play. Then again, I never had brothers or sisters until I went
>> > to boarding school, and I never had friends as a young child, so that
>> > would have been out of the question anyway.
>> > Sounds like you had a lot of fun. All those games actually sound
>> > really awesome, and are games that I would have never even dreamt of
>> > doing. Just goes to show what's possible with the right support
>> > network! Bet you're going to tell me you even had a go at writing and
>> > drawing and painting next!
>> > As for the last part of your message, yup, I fit all three of those
>> > brackets, unfortunately. It took me seven years (yes, you read that
>> > correctly, seven) to learn how to use a touchscreen phone because of
>> > my fine motor skills (or lack thereof).
>> > Cheers,
>> > Damien.
>> >
>> > On 31/07/2020 09:31 am, Chris Norman via wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >> I hear what you're saying about your friend who couldn't find stuff
>> >> too well. I used to laugh at blind folks using echo location. Now I'm
>> >> a bit older, and don't care as much what people think of me, I
>> >> cheerily exchange looking competent for feeling safer.
>> >>
>> >> In my experience - both through people I know, and people I work with
>> >> - the main difference between people who can mental map "well", and
>> >> those who can "not so well", seems to be the level and complexities
>> >> of physical activities they performed when younger.
>> >>
>> >> For adults, this seems to be more how bloody minded they are: Those
>> >> who approach their new found blindness as a challenge tend to get out
>> >> there fairly quickly, and take the knocks while they haven't had the
>> >> chance to think through how awful things could be. Those who sit back
>> >> and worry about it tend to have worried themselves into a frenzy by
>> >> the time it becomes necessary to get up and actually do something. In
>> >> my experience, it's that latter group who struggle.
>> >>
>> >> If any of you have kids, I beg you to not be like the parents I have
>> >> to work with, who mollycoddle their kids. Be that parent who lets
>> >> their kids climb trees, build fires, and run around with their mates.
>> >> Show them how to use tools like knives and drills. Let them get cut,
>> >> and burnt and gather blisters. Seriously, so many people tell me how
>> >> amazing I am. I don't see it personally, I just think I had normal
>> >> parents who weren't afraid to let me take the knocks, but it's a
>> >> parenting style I see less and less these days.
>> >>
>> >> When I was younger, I used to play hide and seek with my sighted
>> >> sister and her friends. The learning went both ways: I learnt that I
>> >> couldn't just stand quietly in the centre of a room, and they learnt
>> >> that they couldn't just stand in front of me and stay still. Mutual
>> >> respect earnt and gained.
>> >>
>> >> If you want games, hide and seek has to be natures best way of
>> >> teaching blind and sighted kids a whole multitude of stuff: How to
>> >> move quietly, what materials are transparent, and which ones only
>> >> show shadows, how much noise a still body makes, how big a space you
>> >> can fit your body in.
>> >>
>> >> Sadly, I think in this modern world of liability, correct speaking,
>> >> and buck-passing, it's far easier to shove kids into a corner and let
>> >> them play a computer game than to invent something amazing.
>> >>
>> >> If you're looking for an amazing experience that doesn't involve
>> >> spacial awareness, shut down your computer, get yourself a
>> >> tambourine, and fill it with crap. Pass it round a circle without
>> >> making a noise. Every time it goes around the circle, remove a piece
>> >> of stuff from it... Make sure there's balls, and pens, and anything
>> >> else that will roll inside it. That will teach you to hold stuff
>> >> level. A few rounds of that, and you'll not be confused as to which
>> >> way you're holding your cup of tea.
>> >>
>> >> Seriously, kids learn from play! It's our job as gamers to make sure
>> >> as many of the next generation of blind folks as possible get the
>> >> best input when it really counts, before they get old enough to
>> >> realise their fine motor skills are shot because they always had the
>> >> more delicate things done for them, they can't find anything because
>> >> they were always guided, and they have their own deficiencies lodged
>> >> in their brains because everyone said "Oh, you can't do that".
>> >>
>> >> There endeth today's sirman! :P
>> >>
>> >> Take care,
>> >>
>> >> Chris Norman
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 at 05:53, Christy S <
>> >> <>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>     Damien and others,
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     I know I'm behind on this. I tend to skip over a lot of posts
>> >> depending
>> >>     on subject, but a conversation or two over the last few days got me
>> >>     thinking about this.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     First thing's first. The reason the game you mentioned said 6:00 is
>> >>     that
>> >>     many people refer to directions using the face of a clock. Not a
>> >>     digital
>> >>     one that flashes numbers, but an analog clock that has an hour and
>> >>     minute hand that goes around a circle. Without going into a lot of
>> >>     detail that will probably just confuse you, no insult at all
>> >> intended
>> >>     there, saying an enemy is at 6:00 probably means behind you.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     I wanted to touch on the more generalized concept of spatial
>> >> awareness,
>> >>     however. Many, though not all, audio games use spatial awareness
>> >> as a
>> >>     foundation of playing the game. It wasn't until more recently that
>> I
>> >>     realized this isn't always practical for some. In the past, the
>> >>     people I
>> >>     had run into who had poor spatial concepts or skills also had other
>> >>     cognitive issues and I suppose, without even realizing it, I
>> >> lumped the
>> >>     two together in my mind.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     I'm one of those who have always had decent spatial awareness, or
>> >>     mental
>> >>     mapping as Damien said. In fact, I used the term mental mapping
>> >>     before I
>> >>     knew a more correct term. I've always thought the reason I could do
>> >>     this
>> >>     so well had to do with having a little sight when I was younger,
>> >> thus
>> >>     helping my brain to develop decently in that area. But really,
>> >> when I
>> >>     map something in my head, it's more like picturing a miniature
>> >> version
>> >>     of the space as I understand it. For example, I can sit here on
>> >> my bed
>> >>     in the bedroom and picture the entire layout of this apartment,
>> >>     including where furniture and other large items are. I can even
>> >> picture
>> >>     the basic layout of a house I lived in over 15 years ago, and using
>> >>     that
>> >>     mentally plan how I could get from any one point to any second
>> >>     point, in
>> >>     either place.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     Anyway, I've recently been talking to someone I now consider a good
>> >>     friend, and this person struggles a lot with any kind of spatial
>> >>     awareness. Their general intelligence, though, is totally fine,
>> >> with no
>> >>     other cognitive difficulties that I'm aware of. Likewise, reading
>> >>     Damien's message here, I don't see any hint of cognitive delays and
>> >>     that
>> >>     just confirms to me that I need to very much rethink that
>> >> subconscious
>> >>     connection my mind has made. Unfortunately, this is common in the
>> >> blind
>> >>     community. If a blind person isn't out walking everywhere, taking
>> >>     public
>> >>     transit all the time etc, they tend to be seen as either dumb or
>> >> lazy.
>> >>     If a person admits they can't figure out on their own how to get
>> >> to a
>> >>     place two blocks away, they're often met with shocked disapproval
>> or
>> >>     worse. I mentioned to this friend that the house I used to live in
>> >>     had a
>> >>     very large, wide open kitchen as the center of the house and they
>> >> just
>> >>     groaned. In fact, a different friend who sadly has since passed
>> >> who had
>> >>     similar struggles and would get utterly disoriented in that
>> kitchen.
>> >>     She
>> >>     could be standing by the fridge, and no matter how many times we
>> had
>> >>     shown her before, could not figure out how to get to a bedroom
>> >> that was
>> >>     probably 10 or 15 feet away. Looking back now, my then roommate
>> >> and I
>> >>     could have handled that situation very differently and more
>> >> gracefully.
>> >>     We just could not understand why she wasn't getting it.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     The fact is, for whatever reason, there are those who, in addition
>> >>     to or
>> >>     because of blindness, literally don't have the mental ability to
>> >>     understand spatial concepts. It's not that they don't want to, or
>> >> that
>> >>     they just haven't been taught right, but their brain quite
>> literally
>> >>     can't process that kind of information. I think there might be some
>> >>     connection between that and never having sight, but it also seems
>> >> to be
>> >>     a lot more complicated than that with certain eye conditions
>> >> playing a
>> >>     part. The best parallel I can think of us for those of us who
>> >> have no
>> >>     memory of sight, having someone try to explain colors to us. We can
>> >>     memorize certain things, red is hot for example, but our brains
>> >> don't
>> >>     have the ability to bring what that color looks like into our minds
>> >>     because there's no concept of vision or varying colors to build on.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     This sounds very similar to what you're dealing with Damien. I
>> would
>> >>     never discourage attempting to learn, and if you can find a way
>> that
>> >>     works for you, that is totally awesome. If you can't, though,
>> please
>> >>     don't think that it means you are stupid or any other negative
>> >>     thing. It
>> >>     could simply be that your brain isn't wired to be able to process
>> >>     spatial concepts for whatever reason, and you should stick with
>> >>     whatever
>> >>     methods work for you.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     For those of us who do have that kind of spatial awareness, I
>> really
>> >>     hope we can all be understanding and not wave off these types of
>> >>     limitations as stupidity or laziness or anything of the sort. I'm
>> >>     talking to myself here too. As for those that find these 3d or 2d
>> >> audio
>> >>     games overwhelming and confusing, I hope you can find others that
>> >> work
>> >>     for you. Side scrollers come to mind, as those generally only have
>> >>     forward and backward, sometimes up and down. This entire thing
>> >> has me
>> >>     pondering ideas for emersive audio games with excellent
>> >> storylines that
>> >>     don't require the ability to navigate as a primary skill for
>> >> gameplay.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     Christy
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>     On 7/27/2020 1:15 PM, Damien Garwood wrote:
>> >>      > Hi,
>> >>      > This will be quite a long message, because I'm starting to
>> >> realise
>> >>      > just how complicated spatial awareness can actually be.
>> >>      > This is a thing I've been struggling with for years. I only
>> >>     managed A
>> >>      > Hero's Call because following a beacon is like playing a reflex
>> >>     game.
>> >>      > It says north, you turn around until it says north. Even then
>> >>     though,
>> >>      > someone had to tell me that. I have no real understanding as
>> >> to what
>> >>      > that means or where I'm going. In fact, during times when you
>> >> can't
>> >>      > rely on beacons to get you places (like the goblin campsites
>> >> and so
>> >>      > on), someone actually had to do that for me!
>> >>      > As for Tank Commander, if it weren't for Raul's playthrough, I
>> >> would
>> >>      > have never beaten it.
>> >>      > Same in the real world, I always struggled with mobility. When I
>> >>      > learned a route it was a case of remembering a set of
>> >> instructions.
>> >>      > That's why I often call it the "Bop-it dance" or the "Robot's
>> >>     dance".
>> >>      > Think about it...Walk 20, turn right, walk 10...Just a glorified
>> >>      > algorithm.
>> >>      > If someone tells me to try and do the route in reverse, I
>> >> wouldn't
>> >>      > have a clue.
>> >>      > You tell me to turn right, and I can do it. You ask me what's
>> >> to the
>> >>      > left of me, or what direction are the stairs from my front
>> >> door, I'd
>> >>      > have no idea, without physically going there. When my mum used
>> to
>> >>     tell
>> >>      > me to get out of the car and walk round the back, I wouldn't
>> know
>> >>     what
>> >>      > direction that was, because once I'm out of the car my
>> >> direction has
>> >>      > changed. And then there's the big one. If cars are moving
>> >> forwards
>> >>      > then why do they pan left to right? Or, if I'm sat in a vehicle
>> >>     that's
>> >>      > reversing, why does it feel like it's moving forwards? What am I
>> >>     told?
>> >>      > Surprise surprise, it's to do with directions again. And they
>> all
>> >>     have
>> >>      > one thing in common - it's the direction your facing.
>> >>      > I always thought that, although I could move in a given
>> >> direction, I
>> >>      > always struggled when I faced a different direction to what I'm
>> >>     used to.
>> >>      > My mum disagrees, and puts it like this: I don't have any
>> "mental
>> >>      > mapping skills". Thinking about it, I guess I can say that's
>> >>     accurate.
>> >>      > I never know where I am relative to other things, or where
>> >> they are
>> >>      > relative to me (Unless of course I can reach out and physically
>> >>     touch
>> >>      > it).
>> >>      > I guess that's why I wasn't taught other forms of navigation.
>> >>     compass
>> >>      > directions are just a series of meaningless words to me. All I
>> >>     know is
>> >>      > that the compass has something to do with the sun.
>> >>      > And don't even get me started on the clockface...When I tried 3d
>> >>      > Velocity and it told me there was an enemy at 06:00, I
>> >> actually went
>> >>      > looking in the manual for a way to check the gametime! Of course
>> >>      > there's nothing in there, then someone corrected me and said,
>> no,
>> >>     it's
>> >>      > referencing direction, not time. As far as I know, I hit a
>> >> button on
>> >>      > my clock or computer and it tells me the time. What on earth has
>> >>     that
>> >>      > got to do with directions? I guess the only thing I can think
>> >> of is
>> >>      > that they say the past is behind you and the future is in
>> >>      > front...Headache tablets anyone?
>> >>      > I've also seen things like turning to 90 or 160 (they just sound
>> >>     like
>> >>      > arbitrary numbers to me). Eurofly deals with latitude
>> >> longitude and
>> >>      > altitude. There just seems to be so much to consider with space.
>> >>      > I'd just say give me an x and a y coordinate. But then I've seen
>> >>     that
>> >>      > in different ways (0 0 being bottom left in some cases, and
>> >> top left
>> >>      > in others, and then someone told me that could also refer to the
>> >>      > centre under some circumstances as well). Also I've had
>> >> disputes in
>> >>      > the past as to whether the Y coordinate represents forwards and
>> >>      > backwards, or up and down. I always thought z was up and down,
>> >> but
>> >>      > they'd argue that when you're talking 2d, y is up and down. But
>> I
>> >>      > thought if you're working with 2d, you're talking about
>> something
>> >>      > that's flat (unless of course you're playing BK3!)
>> >>      > Then, as if that wasn't enough, even my certainty about up and
>> >> down
>> >>      > came into question a few months ago when I learned that the
>> world
>> >>     was
>> >>      > just a big ball. In that case, people on the other side of the
>> >> ball
>> >>      > would say that their up was our down...And then they told me the
>> >>     earth
>> >>      > is spinning, so our directions are always changing
>> >> anyway...Sheesh!
>> >>      > Thank goodness we don't have that level of complexity in games!
>> >>      > Honestly. Sometimes I think I ought to have a physics degree
>> >> if I'm
>> >>      > going to understand all this! And there was me thinking that
>> >> spatial
>> >>      > awareness was meant to be a basic skill.
>> >>      > As it is, I'm determined to learn this. I've gone six or seven
>> >> years
>> >>      > without any mobility training now because I just can't get my
>> >> head
>> >>      > around it. Now I'm trying again, and I thought that if I can
>> >>      > understand how these games work, maybe it will improve my mental
>> >>      > mapping skills and thus my mobility training, and stop everyone
>> >>      > getting impatient with me and telling me what an idiot or slow
>> >>     learner
>> >>      > I am.
>> >>      > Cheers,
>> >>      > Damien.
>> >>      >
>> >>      > On 27/07/2020 04:08 pm, Luke Hewitt wrote:
>> >>      >> I've found myself, that practicing has actually improved my
>> >> ability
>> >>      >> to navigate in games.
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >> When I started with shades of doom and gma tank commander, I
>> was
>> >>      >> having trouble, and it wasn't until I thought out the physical
>> >>      >> spacial awareness test myself that I managed to get my head
>> >> around
>> >>      >> the idea, since my own comprehension of space is actually
>> pretty
>> >>     crappy.
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >> What I do do  though, both in games and rl, is to use
>> >> landmarks as
>> >>      >> guides, sound sources, smells, and working out what direction I
>> >>     have
>> >>      >> to go from such and such is often a good way around.
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >> A hero's call I can't speak about as I've yet to get into that
>> >>     game,
>> >>      >> but I know in shades of doom, using the sound sources of the
>> >>      >> corridors and many of the tools already provided like
>> >>     coordinates and
>> >>      >> the reminders of where I've gone before, helped considerably.
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >> All the best,
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >> Dark.
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >>
>> >>      >
>> >>      >
>> >>      >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >

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