Just got back from my mum's, so only just got these updates.
Christy, I would tend to disagree. It depends how your brain is wired differently. Even someone with severe learning/intellectual disabilities can be taught basic things. As far as I am aware, the only time it is impossible to learn is if you have no sense of self-awareness, such as being in a stupour or otherwise unconscious.
What matters is:
1. Problems need to be explored personally. As I have stated, autism in and of itself is a whole spectrum of different disorders, all with their own set of signs and symptoms. Even more confusing, other disorders that used to be classified as general anxiety disorder, asperger's syndrome, attention defecit, certain types of schizophrenia and so on, have also now been classified under "autistic spectrum disorder", or ASD (at least here in the UK). If autism itself is too broad, then imagine how much more broad the umbrella of learning/intellectual disabilities are. In fact, ASD and ID are classified as two completely different problems, even though they both have similar symptoms. So if you want to help people with these problems, it is first necessary to establish with the learner how their problem affects them in daily life. Depending on the topic in question, this can be explored actively (via a questionnaire) or passively (by observation). 2. Teachers need an open mind. It is only very recently that mental health has been explored in any real depth by the wider public, and so there is still a large cluster of society who are not open to it (unless it is to be openly hostile). It's like any other disability (as I said before, it isn't something anyone would willingly choose). It's sad that it took a member of royalty (Prince Harry I believe) to openly talk about his problems with mental health for it to come out of the "taboo" stage into the "tolerable". After all, tolerance leads to acceptance which leads to understanding. 3. Teachers need patience. Just because one method hasn't worked doesn't mean the case is hopeless. It could be as simple as rephrasing something (if you're using a concept to symbolise, try and find another). It might be that you have to try to find another way to accomplish the same task. If the task is physical and they don't understand what you're telling them, show them. Then make sure they've got it afterwards. Always try to find and use the learner's strengths and experiences. I can talk from my own experience there - three years ago I attended a course to learn to use Reaper, and I struggled like mad. Now I have one-on-one tuition, and I'm getting it as clearly as if I had merely revisited something I learned at an early age and forgot! I think the most important lesson is that these points can be said for all people, even those who are plonked into the category of "normal" by society. One size never fits all, and I think the more we can accept that, the day will come when any and all disability isn't something to be patronised, scorned or ignored (including the shock-horror cycle that causes them to be reclassified every two minutes), and the world will be somewhat kinder.

On 02/08/2020 05:06 am, Christy S wrote:
 From a purely analytical standpoint I'm fascinated too.

I think the main point though is, if someone's brain doesn't know how to grasp a concept due to wiring from very early on for whatever reason, it can't just be taught. This is important, because if more people understood this, I think there would be a lot less judgmental attitudes in the blind community toward those who can't do spatial concepts. I point at myself saying this, because I've at least thought similar things like sheesh, didn't get you good training? Or WTF, how do you get lost in a kitchen? With a better understanding now I know better. So while games or other software might very well help with things like say, being able to memorize turns for those who have a hard time mapping something in their brain, it's not going to be able to just fix the issue. Now of course, if the real issue actually was a lack of training, or severe sheltering to the point of never being able to learn something and I know these things do happen, then you've got a completely different thing going on.

I do love this discussion, though.

On 8/1/2020 5:41 PM, Chris Norman via groups.io wrote:
That's really interesting!

It's challenged my - admittedly narrow-minded - way of seeing things. A developmental psychologist I am not, but I find this stuff so damn fascinating! I'd love to sit and have a drink with you, and hear about your experiences with things.

As a point of personal interest (and feel free to reply privately if you feel this is getting too off-topic), how's your grasp of material recognition? I mean, when you had to hide, did you know what it was safe to hide behind, without casting a shadow, or being seen through glass?

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, who has never met another blind person other than me. I was telling her about a case I'd heard of where a blind couple got done for having sex in a phone box in broad daylight, because they didn't realise the walls of said phone box were transparent. She thought it was hilarious, and couldn't grasp why you wouldn't know glass was transparent. That got me wondering how anyone who can't see would know that stuff. Obviously you pick up in the end, but it strikes me that an avid hide and seek player would probably know that instinctively, because kids are obviously going to tell you how they caught you.

Also, with the routes thing, do you mean you have no concept of going back on yourself, block routes, and reverse direction of travel? I think it was you who said they coudln't reverse routes in your head.

To bring this whole thing back to games somewhat, I wonder if there is any way that a game system could be developed to help blind people get a handle on this sort of thing, or whether tactile maps or german film are the answer.

What Do you feel would help you? It would be fairly trivial to produce a system where a mobility instructor could create a to-scale virtual map of a given route, that you could scrutinise at your leisure on your computer, but would that even help? Or would that just over complicate things?

The system could be extended to introduce certain variables, like heavy traffic, or road works making a ton of noise, low-flying helicopters, high winds, that kind of thing.

MMM, the mind races!

Take care,

Chris Norman

On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 at 15:55, Jessica Hodges <jlhodg...@gmail.com <mailto:jlhodg...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I would challenge, a little, the notion that mental mapping is
    tied to
    how much activity someone has had growing up. My mother encouraged
    me to
    wander, to play outside, sledding, etc. If I wanted to do
    something, she
    didn't tell me no, and she frequently pushed me to do things even
    when I
    didn't want to. Hide and seek was one of my favorite childhood games,
    because I've always liked small places and I liked finding unusual
    for me and my three brothers, (two more would come later) to hide. I
    would often wrestle with them, slide down the stairs with them on my
    back, and other assorted things, so I think its safe to say that,
    I tended towards staying in and reading books, that I was not cut off
    from physical activity and exploration. And yet, when I was
    younger, I'd
    get lost even on my own block. My mother says, when I was really
    I even had trouble with getting off the porch. Thankfully by now I
    progressed, (mostly,) to the point that, a lot of the time, unless
    really confused, that wouldn't be an issue, but I still, for example,
    don't understand how going around a block gets you to the same
    point you
    started from because you turned and had to walk along streets in the
    process, and I did, just the other week, get lost going to a diner
    a block away where I needed to cross nothing, (don't ask me how I
    managed to do that, :() Anyhow all that to say, I don't think that's
    quite where the  connection is. If I had to hazard a guess, I
    think it
    has to do, more than anything, with how the brain is wired.
    Coddling or
    the lack thereof, frankly, won't fix that.
    I hope this ramble of a message has made sense, and beg pardon if it
    didn't, it has been written before breakfast by a very sleepy
    person. :)

    On 7/31/2020 5:16 AM, Damien Garwood wrote:
    > Hi Chris,
    > People who have the skill of echo location are lucky - I could
    > grasp that!
    > As for competence versus safety: If you don't use the tools you
    > then you're not going to look competent if you end up hurting
    > yourself. Think about it, those who are prejudiced will judge you
    > regardless of how you get around, so you may as well just bite the
    > bullet. It's sad when having a disability and being able to
    adapt life
    > so you can attempt to live (so-called) normally, is prejudiced by
    > others, even in the 21st century. In short, it makes me sick to
    > that a blind person doesn't want to seem or look blind because of
    > society's expectations.
    > As for physical activities, you could well be right. I wasn't
    > the physical type of child. Even if we went out for a walk my legs
    > would hurt (but then Mum recently discovered that's likely
    because I'm
    > actually walking wrong). As for sports? Forget it. Put me near a
    > I might be able to shoot a few rounds (yes, I did do acoustic
    > a long time ago, but that was it). Put me in a swimming pool, you
    > might get thrown around and splashed a lot, but there'll be no
    > My mum didn't mollycoddle me. If anything, I don't think she ever
    > quite knew what to do with me (she was very young when I was
    born). My
    > mum has difficulties showing and explaining things to me even
    now, so
    > you can imagine how much she struggled even more so when I was a
    > In fact, I always remember there were arguments between the
    school and
    > my mum as to who should be teaching me basic practical skills (like
    > dealing with different types of fastenings, using hooks, working
    > which is the right way to put clothes on, handling money and so on).
    > I wouldn't agree with letting kids get cut and burned...That
    seems a
    > bit harsh to me. But I do agree that they should at least be
    > to have a go. It doesn't help that UK's health and safety
    > have gone to the dogs - soon they probably won't even let us sit on
    > chairs due to the risk that they'll snap from underneath us!
    > Now even I didn't realise hide and seek was a game that blind
    > could play. Then again, I never had brothers or sisters until I
    > to boarding school, and I never had friends as a young child, so
    > would have been out of the question anyway.
    > Sounds like you had a lot of fun. All those games actually sound
    > really awesome, and are games that I would have never even
    dreamt of
    > doing. Just goes to show what's possible with the right support
    > network! Bet you're going to tell me you even had a go at
    writing and
    > drawing and painting next!
    > As for the last part of your message, yup, I fit all three of those
    > brackets, unfortunately. It took me seven years (yes, you read that
    > correctly, seven) to learn how to use a touchscreen phone
    because of
    > my fine motor skills (or lack thereof).
    > Cheers,
    > Damien.
    > On 31/07/2020 09:31 am, Chris Norman via groups.io
    <http://groups.io> wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> I hear what you're saying about your friend who couldn't find
    >> too well. I used to laugh at blind folks using echo location.
    Now I'm
    >> a bit older, and don't care as much what people think of me, I
    >> cheerily exchange looking competent for feeling safer.
    >> In my experience - both through people I know, and people I
    work with
    >> - the main difference between people who can mental map "well",
    >> those who can "not so well", seems to be the level and
    >> of physical activities they performed when younger.
    >> For adults, this seems to be more how bloody minded they are:
    >> who approach their new found blindness as a challenge tend to
    get out
    >> there fairly quickly, and take the knocks while they haven't
    had the
    >> chance to think through how awful things could be. Those who
    sit back
    >> and worry about it tend to have worried themselves into a
    frenzy by
    >> the time it becomes necessary to get up and actually do
    something. In
    >> my experience, it's that latter group who struggle.
    >> If any of you have kids, I beg you to not be like the parents I
    >> to work with, who mollycoddle their kids. Be that parent who lets
    >> their kids climb trees, build fires, and run around with their
    >> Show them how to use tools like knives and drills. Let them get
    >> and burnt and gather blisters. Seriously, so many people tell
    me how
    >> amazing I am. I don't see it personally, I just think I had normal
    >> parents who weren't afraid to let me take the knocks, but it's a
    >> parenting style I see less and less these days.
    >> When I was younger, I used to play hide and seek with my sighted
    >> sister and her friends. The learning went both ways: I learnt
    that I
    >> couldn't just stand quietly in the centre of a room, and they
    >> that they couldn't just stand in front of me and stay still.
    >> respect earnt and gained.
    >> If you want games, hide and seek has to be natures best way of
    >> teaching blind and sighted kids a whole multitude of stuff: How to
    >> move quietly, what materials are transparent, and which ones only
    >> show shadows, how much noise a still body makes, how big a
    space you
    >> can fit your body in.
    >> Sadly, I think in this modern world of liability, correct
    >> and buck-passing, it's far easier to shove kids into a corner
    and let
    >> them play a computer game than to invent something amazing.
    >> If you're looking for an amazing experience that doesn't involve
    >> spacial awareness, shut down your computer, get yourself a
    >> tambourine, and fill it with crap. Pass it round a circle without
    >> making a noise. Every time it goes around the circle, remove a
    >> of stuff from it... Make sure there's balls, and pens, and
    >> else that will roll inside it. That will teach you to hold stuff
    >> level. A few rounds of that, and you'll not be confused as to
    >> way you're holding your cup of tea.
    >> Seriously, kids learn from play! It's our job as gamers to make
    >> as many of the next generation of blind folks as possible get the
    >> best input when it really counts, before they get old enough to
    >> realise their fine motor skills are shot because they always
    had the
    >> more delicate things done for them, they can't find anything
    >> they were always guided, and they have their own deficiencies
    >> in their brains because everyone said "Oh, you can't do that".
    >> There endeth today's sirman! :P
    >> Take care,
    >> Chris Norman
    >> On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 at 05:53, Christy S <christys1...@gmail.com
    >> <mailto:christys1...@gmail.com
    <mailto:christys1...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
    >>     Damien and others,
    >>     I know I'm behind on this. I tend to skip over a lot of posts
    >> depending
    >>     on subject, but a conversation or two over the last few
    days got me
    >>     thinking about this.
    >>     First thing's first. The reason the game you mentioned said
    6:00 is
    >>     that
    >>     many people refer to directions using the face of a clock.
    Not a
    >>     digital
    >>     one that flashes numbers, but an analog clock that has an
    hour and
    >>     minute hand that goes around a circle. Without going into a
    lot of
    >>     detail that will probably just confuse you, no insult at all
    >> intended
    >>     there, saying an enemy is at 6:00 probably means behind you.
    >>     I wanted to touch on the more generalized concept of spatial
    >> awareness,
    >>     however. Many, though not all, audio games use spatial
    >> as a
    >>     foundation of playing the game. It wasn't until more
    recently that I
    >>     realized this isn't always practical for some. In the past, the
    >>     people I
    >>     had run into who had poor spatial concepts or skills also
    had other
    >>     cognitive issues and I suppose, without even realizing it, I
    >> lumped the
    >>     two together in my mind.
    >>     I'm one of those who have always had decent spatial
    awareness, or
    >>     mental
    >>     mapping as Damien said. In fact, I used the term mental mapping
    >>     before I
    >>     knew a more correct term. I've always thought the reason I
    could do
    >>     this
    >>     so well had to do with having a little sight when I was
    >> thus
    >>     helping my brain to develop decently in that area. But really,
    >> when I
    >>     map something in my head, it's more like picturing a miniature
    >> version
    >>     of the space as I understand it. For example, I can sit
    here on
    >> my bed
    >>     in the bedroom and picture the entire layout of this apartment,
    >>     including where furniture and other large items are. I can
    >> picture
    >>     the basic layout of a house I lived in over 15 years ago,
    and using
    >>     that
    >>     mentally plan how I could get from any one point to any second
    >>     point, in
    >>     either place.
    >>     Anyway, I've recently been talking to someone I now
    consider a good
    >>     friend, and this person struggles a lot with any kind of
    >>     awareness. Their general intelligence, though, is totally
    >> with no
    >>     other cognitive difficulties that I'm aware of. Likewise,
    >>     Damien's message here, I don't see any hint of cognitive
    delays and
    >>     that
    >>     just confirms to me that I need to very much rethink that
    >> subconscious
    >>     connection my mind has made. Unfortunately, this is common
    in the
    >> blind
    >>     community. If a blind person isn't out walking everywhere,
    >>     public
    >>     transit all the time etc, they tend to be seen as either
    dumb or
    >> lazy.
    >>     If a person admits they can't figure out on their own how
    to get
    >> to a
    >>     place two blocks away, they're often met with shocked
    disapproval or
    >>     worse. I mentioned to this friend that the house I used to
    live in
    >>     had a
    >>     very large, wide open kitchen as the center of the house
    and they
    >> just
    >>     groaned. In fact, a different friend who sadly has since
    >> who had
    >>     similar struggles and would get utterly disoriented in that
    >>     She
    >>     could be standing by the fridge, and no matter how many
    times we had
    >>     shown her before, could not figure out how to get to a bedroom
    >> that was
    >>     probably 10 or 15 feet away. Looking back now, my then
    >> and I
    >>     could have handled that situation very differently and more
    >> gracefully.
    >>     We just could not understand why she wasn't getting it.
    >>     The fact is, for whatever reason, there are those who, in
    >>     to or
    >>     because of blindness, literally don't have the mental
    ability to
    >>     understand spatial concepts. It's not that they don't want
    to, or
    >> that
    >>     they just haven't been taught right, but their brain quite
    >>     can't process that kind of information. I think there might
    be some
    >>     connection between that and never having sight, but it also
    >> to be
    >>     a lot more complicated than that with certain eye conditions
    >> playing a
    >>     part. The best parallel I can think of us for those of us who
    >> have no
    >>     memory of sight, having someone try to explain colors to
    us. We can
    >>     memorize certain things, red is hot for example, but our
    >> don't
    >>     have the ability to bring what that color looks like into
    our minds
    >>     because there's no concept of vision or varying colors to
    build on.
    >>     This sounds very similar to what you're dealing with
    Damien. I would
    >>     never discourage attempting to learn, and if you can find a
    way that
    >>     works for you, that is totally awesome. If you can't,
    though, please
    >>     don't think that it means you are stupid or any other negative
    >>     thing. It
    >>     could simply be that your brain isn't wired to be able to
    >>     spatial concepts for whatever reason, and you should stick with
    >>     whatever
    >>     methods work for you.
    >>     For those of us who do have that kind of spatial awareness,
    I really
    >>     hope we can all be understanding and not wave off these
    types of
    >>     limitations as stupidity or laziness or anything of the
    sort. I'm
    >>     talking to myself here too. As for those that find these 3d
    or 2d
    >> audio
    >>     games overwhelming and confusing, I hope you can find
    others that
    >> work
    >>     for you. Side scrollers come to mind, as those generally
    only have
    >>     forward and backward, sometimes up and down. This entire thing
    >> has me
    >>     pondering ideas for emersive audio games with excellent
    >> storylines that
    >>     don't require the ability to navigate as a primary skill for
    >> gameplay.
    >>     Christy
    >>     On 7/27/2020 1:15 PM, Damien Garwood wrote:
    >>      > Hi,
    >>      > This will be quite a long message, because I'm starting to
    >> realise
    >>      > just how complicated spatial awareness can actually be.
    >>      > This is a thing I've been struggling with for years. I only
    >>     managed A
    >>      > Hero's Call because following a beacon is like playing a
    >>     game.
    >>      > It says north, you turn around until it says north. Even
    >>     though,
    >>      > someone had to tell me that. I have no real
    understanding as
    >> to what
    >>      > that means or where I'm going. In fact, during times
    when you
    >> can't
    >>      > rely on beacons to get you places (like the goblin
    >> and so
    >>      > on), someone actually had to do that for me!
    >>      > As for Tank Commander, if it weren't for Raul's
    playthrough, I
    >> would
    >>      > have never beaten it.
    >>      > Same in the real world, I always struggled with
    mobility. When I
    >>      > learned a route it was a case of remembering a set of
    >> instructions.
    >>      > That's why I often call it the "Bop-it dance" or the
    >>     dance".
    >>      > Think about it...Walk 20, turn right, walk 10...Just a
    >>      > algorithm.
    >>      > If someone tells me to try and do the route in reverse, I
    >> wouldn't
    >>      > have a clue.
    >>      > You tell me to turn right, and I can do it. You ask me
    >> to the
    >>      > left of me, or what direction are the stairs from my front
    >> door, I'd
    >>      > have no idea, without physically going there. When my
    mum used to
    >>     tell
    >>      > me to get out of the car and walk round the back, I
    wouldn't know
    >>     what
    >>      > direction that was, because once I'm out of the car my
    >> direction has
    >>      > changed. And then there's the big one. If cars are moving
    >> forwards
    >>      > then why do they pan left to right? Or, if I'm sat in a
    >>     that's
    >>      > reversing, why does it feel like it's moving forwards?
    What am I
    >>     told?
    >>      > Surprise surprise, it's to do with directions again. And
    they all
    >>     have
    >>      > one thing in common - it's the direction your facing.
    >>      > I always thought that, although I could move in a given
    >> direction, I
    >>      > always struggled when I faced a different direction to
    what I'm
    >>     used to.
    >>      > My mum disagrees, and puts it like this: I don't have
    any "mental
    >>      > mapping skills". Thinking about it, I guess I can say that's
    >>     accurate.
    >>      > I never know where I am relative to other things, or where
    >> they are
    >>      > relative to me (Unless of course I can reach out and
    >>     touch
    >>      > it).
    >>      > I guess that's why I wasn't taught other forms of
    >>     compass
    >>      > directions are just a series of meaningless words to me.
    All I
    >>     know is
    >>      > that the compass has something to do with the sun.
    >>      > And don't even get me started on the clockface...When I
    tried 3d
    >>      > Velocity and it told me there was an enemy at 06:00, I
    >> actually went
    >>      > looking in the manual for a way to check the gametime!
    Of course
    >>      > there's nothing in there, then someone corrected me and
    said, no,
    >>     it's
    >>      > referencing direction, not time. As far as I know, I hit a
    >> button on
    >>      > my clock or computer and it tells me the time. What on
    earth has
    >>     that
    >>      > got to do with directions? I guess the only thing I can
    >> of is
    >>      > that they say the past is behind you and the future is in
    >>      > front...Headache tablets anyone?
    >>      > I've also seen things like turning to 90 or 160 (they
    just sound
    >>     like
    >>      > arbitrary numbers to me). Eurofly deals with latitude
    >> longitude and
    >>      > altitude. There just seems to be so much to consider
    with space.
    >>      > I'd just say give me an x and a y coordinate. But then
    I've seen
    >>     that
    >>      > in different ways (0 0 being bottom left in some cases, and
    >> top left
    >>      > in others, and then someone told me that could also
    refer to the
    >>      > centre under some circumstances as well). Also I've had
    >> disputes in
    >>      > the past as to whether the Y coordinate represents
    forwards and
    >>      > backwards, or up and down. I always thought z was up and
    >> but
    >>      > they'd argue that when you're talking 2d, y is up and
    down. But I
    >>      > thought if you're working with 2d, you're talking about
    >>      > that's flat (unless of course you're playing BK3!)
    >>      > Then, as if that wasn't enough, even my certainty about
    up and
    >> down
    >>      > came into question a few months ago when I learned that
    the world
    >>     was
    >>      > just a big ball. In that case, people on the other side
    of the
    >> ball
    >>      > would say that their up was our down...And then they
    told me the
    >>     earth
    >>      > is spinning, so our directions are always changing
    >> anyway...Sheesh!
    >>      > Thank goodness we don't have that level of complexity in
    >>      > Honestly. Sometimes I think I ought to have a physics
    >> if I'm
    >>      > going to understand all this! And there was me thinking
    >> spatial
    >>      > awareness was meant to be a basic skill.
    >>      > As it is, I'm determined to learn this. I've gone six or
    >> years
    >>      > without any mobility training now because I just can't
    get my
    >> head
    >>      > around it. Now I'm trying again, and I thought that if I can
    >>      > understand how these games work, maybe it will improve
    my mental
    >>      > mapping skills and thus my mobility training, and stop
    >>      > getting impatient with me and telling me what an idiot
    or slow
    >>     learner
    >>      > I am.
    >>      > Cheers,
    >>      > Damien.
    >>      >
    >>      > On 27/07/2020 04:08 pm, Luke Hewitt wrote:
    >>      >> I've found myself, that practicing has actually
    improved my
    >> ability
    >>      >> to navigate in games.
    >>      >>
    >>      >> When I started with shades of doom and gma tank
    commander, I was
    >>      >> having trouble, and it wasn't until I thought out the
    >>      >> spacial awareness test myself that I managed to get my
    >> around
    >>      >> the idea, since my own comprehension of space is
    actually pretty
    >>     crappy.
    >>      >>
    >>      >>
    >>      >> What I do do  though, both in games and rl, is to use
    >> landmarks as
    >>      >> guides, sound sources, smells, and working out what
    direction I
    >>     have
    >>      >> to go from such and such is often a good way around.
    >>      >>
    >>      >>
    >>      >> A hero's call I can't speak about as I've yet to get
    into that
    >>     game,
    >>      >> but I know in shades of doom, using the sound sources
    of the
    >>      >> corridors and many of the tools already provided like
    >>     coordinates and
    >>      >> the reminders of where I've gone before, helped
    >>      >>
    >>      >>
    >>      >> All the best,
    >>      >>
    >>      >>
    >>      >> Dark.
    >>      >>
    >>      >>
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