The fact is, Tom, that you have never tested this cane out.  I have no
vested interest in this.  I don't own the cane and I am not a salesman for
the company.  But I did test it out and I did not experience what you are
criticizing.  Someone asked for info on it and I submitted it.I do not
follow the logic of the NFB.  I believe that any effort made to enhance our
situation is better than no effort at all.  
Would I buy that cane?  No, but not for the reasons you expressed.  My
personal experience has shown that sighted persons are intimidated by me if
I have a cane but find me approachable if I have a dog.  For my occupation
and for where I travel, interaction with others is important; therefore, I
take the icebreaker Black Lab.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Tom Fowle
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:13 PM
Subject: [BlindHandyMan] ultrasonic cane?

the limited info on the batforblind site leads me to believe this is the
implementation of Dr. Lesley Kay's ultrasonic devices which he's been 
promoting with limited success for nearly 40 years.

The real questions rremain, how much noise interference are willing to put
with in traveling to get information that you can't do much about.

All the garbage about seeinng like a dolphin or a bat is mumbojumbo as those
beasties have large portions of brain made just to interpret the 
ultrasonic return data and we don't.

I don't think this thing is on the cane, even Dr. Kay should know
better than that. Many of his devices were worn like glasses
and some wher hand held.

The arguments about the ultimate usefullness of such devices need to be had
after considerable experience, which I've had! and over a coffee or a beer.
not on this list.

I note AFB tried to sell some version of the Kay device for a 
couple years and it is on there latest clearance at reduced price list
thus implying nobody wants them for real.

Use your ears, that's the best idea and you can eat to recharge



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