Guys, you have missed the point that there is nothing sexier than a man who 
will move heavy stuff for you. :)
I am impressed, and I am sure Teresa was too.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: William Stephan 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:31 AM
  Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] Color me pink.

  Dan: I'm with Barry on this one. This is a job that's got "crew" written
  all over it. 

  -----Original Message-----
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Behalf Of Barry Levine
  Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 08:54
  Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] Color me pink.


  Say 4 Hail Maries, 2 Our Fathers, and forget about it! I would have
  hired someone from the get go.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: blindhandyman@ <>
  [mailto:blindhandyman@ <>] On Behalf Of Dan Rossi
  Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:58 AM
  To: BlindHandyman@ <>
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Color me pink.

  Yes, I am a big wuss. I am a balding, hairy backed, little girl in knee


  Here is the deal. I am finally going to build the landings and stairs
  my deck. There will be an upper landing at the level of the deck, and a

  lower landing with three steps leading down to the yard. The lower 
  landing will have steps going down from two adjacent sides. The third 
  side will obviously have the stairs going up to the upper landing. and,

  the forth side will just have a railing along the edge.

  There will be two posts holding up the outer edge of the upper landing, 
  and the inner edge will be bolted to the rim joist of the deck. The
  landing will have four posts.

  I have to pour footers for each of these six posts. Around here, rules 
  are that footers have to be 36 inches deep. Well, when I dug the
  for the deck, after 36 inches we were still bringing up top soil and a
  of gravel. No clay, no big rocks, no sand and certainly no bedrock.
  we put the extention bar on the power auger and went another 18 inches 
  down. We only just started hitting clay and rock at the 54 inch deep 

  Those holes were 12 inches in diameter and they sucked up about 7 80
  bags of cement each.

  These landing footers will only be 8 inches in diameter but will most 
  likely still go 54 inches deep, plus a little above grade. Each hole
  take a bit more than 3 80 pound bags to fill, a total of about 20 80

  I'll will now describe where I live for those of you who haven't heard
  rantings before. For those of you who have, just ignore me as usual.

  From the street you have to walk up 10 steps, then there is a little 2 
  foot landing. Then you go up another 10 steps. Then there is a 60 foot

  long landing. Then up another 10 steps, 2 foot landing, 10 steps, 5
  landing, three more steps. OK, you are almost there. You are now at
  end of a courtyard. I, of course, live at the far end of the courtyard.

  So, walk about 170 feet down the courtyard trying to stay on the
  without kicking over the little mushroom lights or flowers along the 
  edges. Now turn left and go around the side of my house, through a
  and into the yard. Now imagine humping 80 pound bags of cement along 
  that whole thing.

  Rather than do all 20 bags in one day, I decided we would do 4 bags per 
  evening, each night of this week.

  When we got to Lowes last night, and were looking at the bags of
  I just couldn't face it. I did not want to hump those 80 pound bags up 
  all those damn stairs and along the courtyard. So, I noticed that next
  the 80 pound bags were these nice 40 pound bags of cement. Sure, it
  cost a bit more money, on the order of 20 or 25 bucks more, and require 
  twice as many trips, but 40 pound trips are sooo much better than 80
  trips. I caved. Yep, I admit it, I am a girly man. I slung 8 40 pound

  bags onto the cart, loaded them into the trunk of our car, and since 
  Teresa insists on helping, we unloaded the bags at home. I ran the bags

  up to the long landing. Teresa took them from there to the house. She 
  had the longer distance so I unloaded the bags faster than she could
  them up to the house, so I hauled them from the landing to the top of
  stairs and she moved them from there to the house on a dolly. It
  only took a few minutes, but was so much less painful than those 80 
  pounders. One night down, four more to go.

  Hopefully, we'll get the footers dug and poured this weekend. I'll let 
  the list know how it goes.

  Blue skies.
  Dan Rossi
  Carnegie Mellon University.
  Tel: (412) 268-9081


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