On Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 12:27:08AM -0800, obr...@igalia.com wrote:
> For example, https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5745 resolved to 
> accept the selector & everywhere, defaulting it to :scope. But from a quick 
> test it seems that querySelector and querySelectorAll just return null or 
> empty array. I guess that implementing this properly may wait, but then 
> meanwhile it would probably be better to make these methods throw as they 
> do for invalid selectors.

FWIW, this change was sent for review as soon as I actually foud out
that the spec had changed (which was yesterday afternoon, so the patch
hasn't been reviewed yet). We couldn't throw, because & on top-level was
allowed before, just defined never to match.

/* Steinar */

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