> 1. So I am on the train and can run javac and Eclipse to develop my code.
> As soon as I reach home I have to switch off Java?

If you need Java, and clearly you do, you could just disable Java in all
your browsers.  Instructions:

> So what do we do about Jmol? Close the site down? Rewrite Jmol in SVG?
> "get rid of Java from all Blue Obelisk code" is impractical.
> What should we actually DO? I don't see Apache closing down and they have
> many Java projects.

I have suggestions, but I'm going to refrain, because I think the only
honest answer to your question is, "You need to talk to a security
professional."  I will email someone, and post on this thread if I get a

> There's a balance of risks here are I can't get a handle on them

Hopefully I'll have more to say later.

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