Hi Ernie,

A sugguestion when you are working on the GUI.
There is a bit of wasted space in the current GUI layout compared to the old 

In 5210R there is Lots of white space padding, so you get less lines of
meaningfull iformation on a screen. eg. whem you look at the Virtual Site
list on a 1080p sceen, in 5210R I can see 7 sites in the window, on the old 
I couls see 25 sites listed, which is a huge difference, it's white padding in 
tables. It obviously effects all the tables, not just the Virtual Site list.

The thing is: I'm a programmer, not a pixel pusher. I can mess a bit with HTML and CSS make adjustments, but every time I tried to come up with something new or better style wise? The results didn't please me enough to implement them.

Although the current theme ("Adminica" - created by Oisin Lavery) does show it's age: I can't stress how lucky we were to have gotten such a great deal for the permission to use it.

I have been chasing for a newer and more modern theme for ages and they *all* fall short. Usually in multiple categories. Like they don't have all (or even most of) the UI elements we need, lack a mobile device variant of the theme or if they are almost complete, they look way too arcadish or to too bland.

There was a really nice one I found and planned on using, but once I got around to look at the innards I realized that it relied so very heavily on "React" that it was unusable for us. :-/

But I'm open to suggestions and ideas. Or if you have some small HMTL or CSS optimizations for the current GUI? Send them over and I'll happily take a look and might build them in.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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