
as we are moving forward with legally setting up the foundation, and translate/adapt the bylaws into German, we noticed that some tweaks and simplifications are required - in general we feel the shorter these documents are, the better it is for understanding.

Proposed change #1:

We should replace the words "moral commitment" (which are rather off-putting to many with a stark view of their integrity and morals) with something softer:

Every membership applicant must have been active for at least three (3) months, and should make a moral commitment to at least six (6) months activity (not counting the first three (3) months of fulfillment of qualification).

Every membership applicant must have been active for at least three (3) months, and should make a best effort commitment to continuing their activity for a further six (6) months.

Which I hope captures the spirit, without invoking things that cannot be predicted.

Proposed change #2:

Then a separate set of changes & cleanups around the Advisory Board:

* The /Donor/ definition is not referenced outside of the /Sponsor/ definition, and so should be collapsed into there. * The /Sponsor/ definition is referenced in a redundant, non-normative way by the Members/Contributors definition and should be removed.

The Community's Members are people who contribute their time, efforts and skills independently (individual persons contributing on either a paid or unpaid basis), or who may work for Sponsors (refer to definition of Sponsors).

The Community's Members are individuals who contribute their time, efforts and skills whether on a paid or voluntary basis.

Proposed change #3:

* Remove the Sponsors section. This is now only referred to in the Advisory Board definition and sections, and as such can be expanded there.

* Expand the Advisory Board definition.

The Advisory Board represents the Foundation's Sponsors. Each Sponsor is entitled to appoint one representative. For more information, see Advisory Board under Governance.

The Advisory Board provides a forum for organisations that provide a substantial minimum level of financial, or other support as determined by the BoD to meet with the BoD and provide advice. For more information, see Advisory Board under Governance.

Proposed change #4:

* Re-work the Advisory Board section:

The Advisory Board [AB] is staffed by Sponsors' representatives (refer to definition of Sponsors). Each Sponsor can have no more than one representative on the Advisory Board. Each Sponsor's representative is appointed for a term of one (1) year, but can be re-appointed for a further year in office at the end of each term. The AB's primary function is to represent The Document Foundation's Sponsors, and to provide the Board of Directors with advice, guidance and proposals.

The Advisory Board [AB] is staffed, at the BoD's discretion by organisations that have made a substantial contribution to The Document Foundation. Each organisation appointing a single representative to the Advisory Board based on a yearly fee to be determined by the BoD. The AB's primary function is to represent these organisations by providing the BoD with advice, guidance and proposals.



Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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